Tag: DChart
Drekkana reckoning and Rishis
Yashoda annd Swati’s question wrote:
Hare Rama Krsna, I was listening to Atri classes on Jagannatha drekkana , where Sanjayji talks about Agasthya is related to Bhramarishi ( chara rashis, 9th from sthir rashis Moon ), Doorvaasa is related to Maharishi (sthira rashis, 9th from dwija rashis Moon), Narada is connected to devarishi (dwija rashis, 9th from chara rashis Moon)
In contrast to this, in the narayana dasha book, it is given other way round, as Agasthya related to Maharishi (sthira rashis) and Doorvaasa is related to Bhramarishi (chara rashis).