Author: Sanjay Rath
Super-Star Rajesh Khanna
In an era long before this internet age, Rajesh Khanna was the man who sparked a frenzy never seen before and never since, not even by the likes of Amitabh Bachchan. In the 1970s his very name was a magical charm that sparked hysteria, particularly amongst his legions of women fans, who would line the road for a glimpse, chant his name, cover his car with lipstick marks and even write him letters in blood.
Netraha Yoga Illustrations
Continued from Complexity of Jaimini Sutra
Interpretation #1: śukra+āt gauṇa pada+astho rāhuḥ sūrya dṛṣṭo netra+hā
Translation: “Further, Shukra associating the Gauna-Pada with Rahu and Surya aspects causes damage to the eye ”
The dictum that affliction to the fifth house from Venus leads to Netra Roga from BPHS is based on a totally different yoga called Acchadana Drsti of Graha.
Complexity of Jaimini Sutra
The most difficult of the classics in Vedic Astrology is the Upadesha Sutra of Maharsi Jaimini. Needless to say there are many scholars who have studied this when they reach that level where they have a fairly good mastery over the standard texts and have digested Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra to a decent level of competence. A competence that allows their minds to move through the sutra like thread in a needle stitching the various sutras into a fine cosmic diagram.
Yemen Horoscope
The Republic of Yemen was formed on 22 May 1990 when the two Yemens (North and South) united as Republic of Yemen with Mr Saleh as president, as the Soviet bloc imploded. However the tension between former states endured as their fundamental differences had not been ironed out. The unification chart is given below
The strength of a nation to stay united is seen from the fourth house.
Multiple Hanuman Jayanti
In Sanskrit he is more appropriately called हनुमत् (hanumat) which means “one having mighty jaws” indicating the power to bite and hold on to the task – a symbol of determination. He is vānara (monkey) and one of the most celebrated of a host of divine ape-like beings, created by the blessings of Nārada, to become the allies of Śrī Rāma in his war with Rāvaṇa.
Multiple Jayanti
Jayanti refers to the celebration associated with any deity in Hinduism.