Author: Sanjay Rath

Bhrigu Samhita – a view

The ‘Bhrigu Samhita’ is a treatise on Jyotish (Vedic astrology) compiled by ‘Maharishi Bhrigu’ during Vedic period. Although the available evidence suggests that this was compiled over a period of time by the various Sisya (Students in the lineage) of Maharishi Bhrigu.Symbolically, all creation begins from Venus which represents Semen, the seed of all creation. That is why the beginning or the seed of this vast knowledge was sown by Maharishi Bhrigu the father of Sukracharya (Venus). Jyotish is considered the Fifth Veda compiled during the Treta Yuga.


The Kingdom of Denmark (Danish: Kongeriget Danmark) is the largest of the five Nordic countries (offshore territories Greenland and the Faroe Islands included). It is one of the three Scandinavian countries although the mainland is located north of its only land neighbour, Germany.

As the Danish liberal and national movement gained momentum (1830s), and following the European Revolutions of 1848 Denmark peacefully became a constitutional monarchy on 5 June 1849.

Leo lagna rises with Rahu in it indicating a princely yoga for enjoying life with all its blessings.

India Tithi Pravesh 2008

Indian Independence chart

India entered the maraka antardasha of Ketu in Venus dasha from 4 July 2008 and within a few months we have been constantly troubled by terrorists culminating in the war on Mumbai on 26 November.

The pratyantara dasha of Moon, the third lord of the chart indicates that the trouble came from neighbours and from the water. Retaliation is expected in Rahu pratyantara from 29 Dec 2008 to 1 March 2009.

What is happening? 2011 approaches

The BBC article reads ‘Scores of Indian soldiers killed in Maoist ambushes’. Maoist rebels have killed at least 75 Indian soldiers in a series of attacks on security convoys in the central state of Chhattisgarh. A large patrol of federal paramilitary troops was ambushed at dawn by hundreds of heavily armed insurgents in a remote part of Dantewada district.

So much information about our brave soldiers dying all around.


1. Jaimini Maharishi’s Upadesa Sutra, (1997) A translation of the original Sanskrit work of Maharishi Jaimini. This text decodes the teachings hidden within the numerical correspondence of each Sanskrit letter relative to the meaning of the verse.
2. Crux of Vedic Astrology: Timing of Events, (1998) Detailed information on the various houses in Vedic astrology and an introduction to the use of Divisional charts, Narayana Dasa, Shula Dasa and other Jyotish tools. An important text to understand Sanjay Rath’s style of horoscope interpretation.