Category: India
Gaṇḍānta Y.S.Rajasekhara Reddy
Details about the chart can be read in a previous issue of the Jyotish Digest. In the chart of Y. Rajasekhara Reddy (YSR), Moon is in Mūla gaṇḍānta in the 12th bhāva. The exact position of the Moon at 1°28’ is just outside the Abhukta mūla range of 0°50’ indicating that the bay would survive. This gaṇḍānta afflicts the agni tattva and Sun is the lord of the 8th house as well in this chart.
Y.S. Raja Reddy, father of Chief Minister Y.S.
Sri A.B.Vajpayee
Please note that this is an old article written and published in 1998. It is republished in the website for astrological studies.
The first part of the article titled the Future of India appeared in the Times of Astrology (June 1998 issue) which was available in the market in the first week of May. Readers will appreciate that some of the predictions like ‘the acquisition of Nuclear Bomb and other arsenal’ and ‘problems related to the health department’ have already come true.
Jyoti Basu
Jyoti Basu (b. July 8, 1914 at Calcutta, India – 17 January 2010) is an Indian politician belonging to the Communist Party of India (Marxist) from West Bengal, India. He served as the Chief Minister of West Bengal from 1977 to 2000, making him India’s longest-serving Chief Minister as of 2009. He was a member of the CPI(M) Politburo from the time of the party’s founding in 1964 until 2008. There is some debate about his birth time being 10.44 am, 10.50 am or even 11.00am.