Mūla 2nd Pada: Darryl Sittler
Darryl Glen Sittler is a legend in professional ice hockey. He played in the National Hockey League from 1970 (Venus daśā Mercury antardaśā[1]) until 1985 (Moon daśā Saturn antardaśā).
On 7 Feb 1976, Sittler set an NHL record that still stands, for most points scored in one game when he recorded ten points (six goals, four assists). He was elected to the Hockey Hall of Fame in 1989 in Moon daśā Venus antardaśā. Moon is in Mūla nakṣatra second pada (jala – mother, female) and he was born at night confirming that the affliction would exist but either to mother or wife. However, in the 7th bhāva Moon promises undying fame and “ice” is the frozen water signified by the jala tattva planets Moon trines Venus in kāma trikoṇa supported by the freezing Saturn in 3rd house which gives great staying power.
We can use a more accurate daśā system to time this Maharaja yoga – the dvādasottari (112) daśā which is applicable if lagna is in Venus aṁśa. In this chart the navāṁśa lagna is Libra confirming its use. Since Venus is the overlord of this daśā, its effects re felt throughout life and it does not have a specific daśā period attributed to it. The entire rājayoga period from 1975-85 was covered during the daśā of lagneśa Mercury which forms the Maharaja yoga with Venus.
Dvādasottari Daśā
Sun: 1947-07-09 – 1954-07-09
Jup: 1954-07-09 – 1963-07-09
Ket: 1963-07-09 – 1974-07-09
Merc: 1974-07-09 – 1987-07-09
Rah: 1987-07-09 – 2002-07-09
Mars: 2002-07-09 – 2019-07-09
Sat: 2019-07-09 – 2038-07-09
Moon: 2038-07-09 – 2059-07-10
What we are examining is the effect of the Mūla 2nd Pada (jala) which is to afflict mother, spouse or female relation. In the 7th bhāva, the Moon is most likely to afflict spouse. In addition, it is in 8th bhāva in navāṁśa which is maṅgalya sthāna (loss of spouse). It acts as māraka for marriage.
Treat 7th bhāva (Sagittarius) as lagna of spouse, then we see that whatever we had discussed for Charles Browne (Artemus Ward) is also applicable here and the 4th sign from the navāṁśa of Moon will furnish the death inflictor as well as the part of body that gets the disease. Moon is in Taurus navāṁśa and 4th bhāva from this is Leo showing the stomach-digestion region. Rāhu is placed in Leo navāṁśa.
His wife Wendy suffered from colon cancer which was detected in 1998. The dvādasottari daśā was Rāhu and antardaśā Jupiter. Note these planets exchanging signs in rāśi and being in mutual kendra in navāṁśa. Although cured initially, the cancer recurred in 2000. Doctors discovered two spots on Wendy Sittler’s liver and deemed the new cancer inoperable. Darryl said that they were going to start chemotherapy treatments and hoped the cancer could be stalled, maybe “a miracle”.
Wendy was very strong throughout this ordeal. She’s accepted her situation and talked to their children to make sure they carry on with their dreams and pursuits. She even participated in a “Cancer walk” in August 2001. Mrs. Wendy Sittler was 53 when she died at her home on 6 Oct 2001 Saturday, after a lengthy battle with colon cancer and with her husband at her side.
Dvādasottari daśā Rāhu-Mercury easily explains the event as the second house from Upapada (UL) in Leo owned by Mercury and aspected by Rāhu. In the navāṁśa, the 4th bhāva from Moon (Mūla 2nd pada) is Leo with Rāhu which aspects Mercury in Sagittarius (8th from Moon) and Saturn (disease). In Vimśottari it is Rāhu daśā Jupiter antardaśā which is not as easy to use for prediction with the chart of Venusian navāṁśa.