Category: Learn

EM News

Jack Labanauskas , Editor of the Enneagram Monthly reports the final year and certification of the first batch of Jaimini Scholar program at page 2 of EM Issue 182.

After two months in a perfectly nice nice place on the edge of a little lake, in the Himalayan foothills with weather only matched by California or Hawaii, it was still east, west, home’s best.

Join PJC Year-2

Parāśara Jyotiṣa Year-2
Course available for 2 years from date of joining as you are likely to take more time to listen to 30+ days of recordings and video-slides.

Vimśāṁśa Workshop 2011

The Spiritual weekend workshop in California was a great success and the expert vedic astrologers of America enjoyed every minute. You can view the slides. For the first time we have given some great secrets of the tradition and showed exactly how to study the D20 Chart.

Foundation Audio

Huge audio files download of the teachings on Foundations of Vedic Astrology. You can right-click on the link and download the audio files or left click on them and listen online. You are free to download, store and listen to these audio files.

Divination Methods


abacomancy /ˈæbəkɵmænsi/: by dust (Hebrew ’ābāq, dust + Greek manteia, prophecy)

acultomancy /əˈkʌltɵmænsi/ (also acutomancy): by needles (from acutomancy below, influenced by Latin acūleus, needle)

acutomancy /əˈkjuːtɵmænsi/ → see acultomancy above (Latin acus , needle + Greek manteia, prophecy)

adromancy /ˈædrɵmænsi/ → see alomancy below (from idromancy below, influenced by alomancy)

adryomancy→ see hydromancy below (metathesis of hydromancy)

aeromancy /ˈɛərɵmænsi/: by atmospheric conditions (Greek āēr, air + manteia, prophecy)

agalmatomancy /əˈɡɔːlmətɵmænsi/: by statues (Greek agalma , statue + manteia, prophecy)

aichmomancy /ˈɛkmɵmænsi/: by sharp objects (Greek aikhmē, spearhead + manteia, prophecy)

ailuromancy/aeluromancy → see under theriomancy below

alectormancy/alectromancy /əˈlɛktrɵmænsi/: by rooster