Title: Jaimini Maharishi’s Upadesa Sutra
Subtitle: Classical Sanskrit Literature
Translation & Commentary: Sanjay Rath
Published: 1997
Publisher: Sagar Publications
Price: € 21/-International Orders includes shipping
Cost: € 10.00, Shipping: € 11.00
About the Book
This book offers a lucid translation of the upadesa sutras of maharishi jaimini. Whenever necessary this has been substantiated by reference from standard texts and includes
1. Correct usage of chara, sthira and naisargiha karkas,
2. Distinction between karakamsa and swamsa and its impact in charts of twins born just 2 minutes apart, besides many other important aspects have been dealt in detail
3. Calculation and use of narayana (alias padakrama) sthira, shoola, navamsa, brahma, varnada, mandooka, paryaya (alias gochara), kendradi and su-dasa’s.
4. The use of special ascendants in deciphering & timing rajyoga
5. Predicting evils from trimsamsa & kauluka and death from rudramsa
6. Longevity estimation and nature of death
7. Hitler’s defeat and death due to a change in the paryaya dasa & mandooka dasa or the poverty combination of the second lord in the twelfth house being modified to a wealth combination due to the varnada lagna in the chart of queen victoria are some of the fine illustrations.
8. These and many other secrets of the ancients come from a traditional vedic astrologer for the first time.
What others say about the author
He is a mechanical engineer from Guindy in Chennai. He was taught astrology as a part of his family’s ritual learning. His Guru and grandfather Late Pandit Jaggannath Rath was recognised as the Jyotish Ratna by the Utkal Sahitya Samaj and has authored several books in his time in the Oriya language. Sanjay Rath is adept at both the Parasari and Jaimini methods of Vedic astrology and does Varshphal, Prasna and Nasta Jataka. He also undertakes detailed chart reconstruction and has written articles in the astrological magazine. Sanjay Rath’s latest book Upadesa Sutra has become quite popular on the jyotish list of astrologers in cyberspace.
Astrology is one of the oldest and most accurate tools known to mankind.