B.A.V.A 2016 Conference and Workshops
14 to 19 April 2016 London, UK.
The Workshops are with Pandit Samavedula, Komilla Sutton, Andrew Foss, Sanjay Rath
B.A.V.A 2016 Conference WebPages
Pdt Sanjay Rath, Sarbani Rath, Pdt Samavedula, Dee Lekha, Keiko Ito, Bulbul Barrett, Vijaya Subramanian, Komilla Sutton, Andrew Foss, Geoffrey Pearce, Gordon Brennan, Barry Rosen. A brief biopic is included below.
Workshops on Thursday, Monday and Tuesday
The Theosophical Society, 50 Gloucester Place London W1U 8EA. Nearest tube station Baker Street.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday Programme
11/13 Mandeville Place, London WIU 3AJ, UK. (nearest tube station Bond Street) Google Map
2016 BAVA Conference Programme
A is for Advanced. B is for beginners.
Thursday 14 April at 50 Gloucester Place
10am-12:30pm – Workshop and Puja. Pandit Samavedula. Lakshmi Sadhana – Participatory Lakshmi Puja and talk
2pm-5pm Workshop – Komilla Sutton. Wealth, finances and Sade Sati
Friday 15 April at 11/13 Mandeville Place
9:30am-12:30pm Workshop – Andrew Foss. Using the SarvatoBhadraChakra for finances.
2:15pm Opening of Conference
2:30pm Plenary Sanjay Rath. Jupiter as the Karaka of wealth
4:30pm B Dee Lekha. Marketing astrology to the business community
4:30pm A Keiko Ito. Dhana Yogas
6:30pm Visit to Murugan Temple (shared travel cost)
Saturday 16 April at 11/13 Mandeville Place
9.00am B Pandit Samavedula. Kubera mantras and other mantras for prosperity
9.00am A Bulbul Barrett. Mercury retrograde and its effect on financial markets
11.00pm Plenary Sanjay Rath. Sun as Primary Controller of Wealth
1.00pm Lunch
2.00pm Plenary. Sarbani Rath. Srimanta – the Mark of Achievers
4.00pm A Vijaya Subramanian. The D4 for fortune and the D12 for inheritance
4.00pm B Komilla Sutton. Dhana and Labha Bhavas – wealth and income
6pm Shri Jyoti Software Presentation with Andrew Foss
7.15pm Dinner
Sunday 17 April at 11/13 Mandeville Place
9am Faculty panel plenary. Hot topics of the moment
11.00am B Gordon Brennan. How to spot a financial disaster before it happens
11.00am A Andrew Foss. AmatyaKaraka and career
1.00pm Lunch
2.00pm Plenary Sarbani Rath. The very auspicious Sri Lagna
4.00pm B Barry Rosen. Trading and Investing from Your Chart: Using Transits, Dashas and Tarabala and Yogi Points
4.00pm A Geoffrey Pearce. Using the Symbolism of the Drekkanas
Monday 18th & Tuesday 19th April at 50 Gloucester Place
Two Day Workshop with Sanjay Rath at 50 Gloucester Place
10am-5.00pm Sanjay Rath. Foundations of financial astrology
Critical bhavas for wealth in rāśi (D1), navāṁśa (D9) and ṣaṣṭiāṁśa (D60).
Understanding the principles behind formation of dhana yogas, sthira-rāśi and paṇapara.
Initiation of wealth and income; Role of Moon and Society.
Some Dhana Yogas of BPHS.
Also Daridra Yoga; Understanding Kemadruma; People (relationship) as harbinger of fortune (wealth); Śrīmanta Yoga of Jaimini; Derivation of other dhana yoga from Śrīmanta Yoga.
Conference Speakers

Sanjay Rath belongs to a traditional family of astrologers from Bira Balabhadrapur Sasan village of Puri, Orissa, which trace their lineage back to Shri Achyuta Das (Sri Achyutananda). Sanjay studied under his uncle, late Pandit Kasinath Rath. His grandfather, the late Pandit Jagannath Rath, was the Jyotish Ratna of Orissa and authored many books on Jyotish. He began his studies at a tender age, and received the depth of Jyotish only found among those who have been trained in the ancient traditional way of the parampara. He later became a graduate of mechanical engineering and worked for some time with the Government of India. Leaving government service to devote himself completely to Jyotisha, he has the depth of the ancient knowledge with the ability to communicate it to the modern mind.
He uses Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra, Jaimini Upadesa Sutras, Brihat Jataka and Saravali as the foundations of Jyotisha and teaches from various other Jyotish scripture and sacred literature such as the Bhagavad Gita, Upanisads, Puranas, etc. www.srath.com

Komilla is the co-founder and Chair of the british Association for Vedic Astrology. She is an internationally renowned consultant, teacher and lecturer. Indian born, Komilla Sutton is one of the pioneers in making tis subject more accesible for the Western readers. She is the author of ‘Vedic Love Signs’, ‘Vedic Astrology’, ‘The Essentials of Vedic Astrology’ and ‘Lunar nodes – Crisis and Redemption’.www.Komilla.com

Andrew Foss PhD, is the President and co-founder of the British Association of Vedic Astrology. He has a BA and MA from Oxford University in Physics and an MSc and PhD in Computing Science. He is the author of the leading software for Vedic Astrology, Shri Jyoti Star and the editor of the journal Gochara. He is a Jaimini Scholar and has lectured internationally on Jyotish, Ayurveda and computing and has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals. Web site: www.vedicsoftware.com

Pandit Smavedula is a 6th generation Sama Veda pandit who was trained in the Vedas beginning at age 7. He attended the Shri Sarva Raya Veda Patha Shala school in South India, and after 12 years of study, received his Master’s Degree in Vedic Studies (Ganapati Pandit). Panditji will perform the pujas and homas during the conference. www.vedicyagyacenter.com

Gordon Brennan has studied Vedic Astrology for 20 years and is also qualified in Sanskrit, the language in which it was originally written down. He has a post graduate qualification in astrology from India called Jaimini Scholar and also is the committee member of the British Association for Vedic Astrology responsible for education. www.bava.org/education

Geoffrey is an accredited teacher of Jyotish by the American Council of Vedic Astrology (ACVA). He is a member of the ACVA Council, and Treasurer of the British Association for Vedic Astrology (BAVA). He takes regular weekly classes in London, in particular at the School of Economic Science in London where he is the Head of the Jyotish Faculty.
Besides teaching to over 30 students in London at Foundation and Intermediate levels, Geoffrey devotes a considerable amount of his time giving lectures to the public aimed at persuading them about the validity of the subject. He is also researching the laws and universal forces behind the astrological rules and principles, as well as the relationship between planetary cycles and the rise and fall of nations and civilisations. http://www.vediccharts.co.uk/

In 1998 when Bṛhat Parāśara Horā Śāstra became the principal book on her table she began exclusively studying and practicing Jyotiṣa under the able guidance of Pt. Sanjay Rath. After receiving the Bṛhaspati Gāyatrī in 2002 she has been practising jyotiṣa professionally and teaching as a Jyotiṣa Guru of Śrī Jagannāth Center (SJC). She went on to be the President of SJC in 2008. She continues her passion of reading Vedic literature and after finishing a thorough study of the Garuḍa Purāṇa, is currently working on Sāradātilaka Tantra and Skanda Purāṇa. In 2011 she successfully completed the 5-year long Jaimini Scholar Programme (2007-11) and is a certified Jaimini Scholar of the First Himalaya Batch of Devaguru Bṛhaspati Center (DBC). On the directions of the DBC-Institute she is currently a teacher and Course Co-ordinator of the 2nd Himalaya Batch of the Jaimini Scholar Programme. As the Managing Editor of Sagittarius Publications, she oversees the publication of the quarterly jyotiṣa journal The Jyotish Digest and other astrology books. She has presented papers at various Jyotish conferences in India, USA, London and Serbia. She is a member of the British Association of Vedic Astrology (BAVA). www.sarbanirath.com/

Barry Rosen has been practicing Vedic astrology since 1987 and has done hundreds of consultations. He has visited and studied in India on 3 occasions and has spoken numerous times at the American Council of Vedic Astrology Conferences and also the British Association of Vedic Astrologers. He has been involved in Vedic culture since 1973 and is a long-time meditation and yoga teacher and a published poet. Professionally, he has applied Vedic astrology to predicting financial markets since 1987 and has published numerous articles in leading journals including the NCGR journal and Trader’s World and the Trader’s Astrological Almanac http://appliedvedicastrology.com/

Bulbul was introduced to vedic astrology at an early age whilst growing up in India, and those early experiences sowed the seed for her later interest in learning and applying the subject herself. She has now been practising astrology for the last 12 years with the British Association of Vedic Astrology, where she has lectured at their annual conference and has also been featured in Daily Candy, an online guide to London. She has also attended psychic development classes at SIH for some years to hone her intuitive abilities and feels that integrating these modalities gives a more profound and complete picture when applying astrological techniques. 07950 701129 or bulbul.barrett@gmail.com