Mantra Śāstra Program


Devaguru Bṛhaspati Center announces its new program titled “Mantra Śāstra Program”, hereinafter ‘MSP’ to be taught both online and through contact classes in the Himalayas over a period of a few years to attain higher levels of knowledge of Mantra Śāstra and its application in Vedic Remedial in Astrology.

The Mantra Śāstra course is to be taught in the tradition of Puri, India and includes learning the various tools and processes that go into the formation and working of mantra as used in Vedic remedies. Sādhanā (penance) is a compulsory part of the course and will include the worship of various Vedic deities including Gaṇeśa, Guru, Śiva, Sūrya, Viṣṇu and/or Devī.

The course also includes (1) Yantra (plane and three-dimensional diagrams), (2) jyotiṣa gemstones for remedial purposes and in yantra, (3) kavacha (talisman) of various types as well as (4) some mantra (magical formulae) which will give a very broad-based perspective of Vedic remedies in astrology besides making the practitioner adept in prescribing remedies in addition to personal spiritual impetus.

The five-year program is to be taught online at and every level will have its own tests, puja and sadhana leading to certification. The first year MSP Year-1 is to be taught in 2018-20. One MSP academic year could be longer than a calendar year.

The online course begins from Ganesha Chaturthi …Thursday, 13 Sep 2018

Principal Texts

  1. Sāradā Tilakaṁ
  2. Mantra Mahodadhiḥ
  3. Bṛhat Parāśara Horā Śāstra

Prerequisites and Qualifications


Students enrolling for these classes will have to know the devanāgarī script used in Sanskrit literature even though the entre teaching and reading material will be in English language with transliterations and translations wherever needed. Students with a prior knowledge of devanāgarī alphabets and Sanskrit words will have a priority weight of 40 percent points.

Vedic Astrology

Working knowledge of Vedic astrology will prove to be an added asset. Students of Parāśara Jyotiṣa Program (PJC) or Jaimini Scholar Program (JSP) or any other recognised jyotiṣa school will have a priority weight of 30 percent points.

Spiritual Path

Many students enrolling for this course would have prior dīkṣa (spiritual direction) from a parama guru. Please mention your dīkṣa guru and/or any organisation you are affiliated with for this will give you an additional advantage of 30 percent points.

Contact Course

The contact course will be held annually at two venues –

  • Himalaya Classes: Venue: Neelesh Inn, Bhim Tal, Uttarakhand, India; Period: 10 days around Shiva Ratri (about Feb/Mar). Limited seating: 40 Seats
  • Delhi-NCR Classes: Venue: to be announced; Period 10 days around Ganesha Chaturthi (about Aug/Sep).

All students must attend the Contact Class in one of the two locations. If you cannot travel to India during either of the two periods, then please do not apply for this program.

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