Author: Sanjay Rath
Sapta Sloki Gita
Saptasloki gītā refers to seven śloka of the Bhagavat gītā considered most auspicious. These śloka map directly to seven weekday planets which related to about birth and karma. The first śloka is for the Sun, second for Moon and so on till the seventh for Saturn. One who recites these seven śloka everyday will be able to overcome major problems and will live a good life.
These seven ślokas can be written on seven pieces of paper, folded and used during a praśna chart. After praying sincerely to Krishna with dvādasākṣari mantra pick up one folded paper.
Priyanka Chopra
Born on 18 July 1982 at 30 minutes past midnight at Jamshedpur India, Priyanka Chopra has an Aries ascendant with…
Mantra Śāstra Program
Devaguru Bṛhaspati Center announces its new program titled “Mantra Śāstra Program”, hereinafter ‘MSP’ to be taught both online and through contact classes in the Himalayas over a period of a few years to attain higher levels of knowledge of Mantra Śāstra and its application in Vedic Remedial in Astrology.
The Mantra Śāstra course is to be taught in the tradition of Puri, India and includes learning the various tools and processes that go into the formation and working of mantra as used in Vedic remedies.
Pt. Sanjay Rath on Marriage & 12th house in Vedic Astrology at KRSchannel
Kapiel Raaj: So, Ladies and Gentlemen, after a long-long time he is finally back. He looks handsome, he looks beautiful and he is here to dazzle us once more and to pick a favorite subject of yours, which is marriage and 12th house. So, I want to have the expert, the master to take over. Welcome back, Sanjay Rath ji after long-long time.
Pandit Sanjay Rath: Thank you very much, Kapiel. It is pleasure to come back. I love the KRSchannel.
Mūla Daśā
Article: Mula dasa – Varahamihira’s success
This dasa was yet another secret of the tradition of Orissa that has been exposed for the first time to the world at large. This dasa finds mention in the monumental classic ‘Saravali’ by Kalyanavarma and in Varahamihira’s work. While other works spell out the results of Mula dasa, they do not show how to calculate it.