Author: Sanjay Rath
Guru Vandanā
A childhood habit that has always stood the test of time, is the Guru Vandana. This was learnt at a young age and one does not need any ritual, time nor place to recite it. However, we have done this everyday – loudly when younger and silently when older. Hope you all benefit from this. All mantras and remedies start working, no matter how bad the dasha or evil the transit, Gurudeva always makes things work for the better. Kindly forgive the typo’s and email me for corrections.
Maṅgalika Doṣa
Maṅgalika doṣa is a flaw of the energy processing system in the native. Mars (maṅgala) represents agni tattva and when this is flawed, the energy gets directed to wrong purposes and the result is terrible waste of both resources and time in addition to much suffering and pain.
It is interesting to note that the ancient seers did not attribute so much flaw to the placement of other planets including Saturn as has been placed on the placement of Mars.
PJC Admission 2015
Admissions Open for Parāśara Jyotiṣa Course (PJC)
Devaguru Bṛhaspati Center has opened admissions for fresh batch of students to start its prestigious Parāśara Jyotiṣa Course from the Academic Year 2015.
Unlike other colleges where the application is generic, DBC requires that the student should be accepted by a mentor for learning vedāñga jyotiṣa.
A mentor is a jyotiṣa guru who will guide you through the course.
Interested students should fill the Application Form and email it at the earliest date.
PJC joining options for the Year 2015 include
$ 250 × 4 = $ 1000
PJC Year-1
Batch: 2015
Rādhikā Mantra
Radha (Sanskrit: राधा, Rādhā), also called Rādhikā, Radharani and Radhika-rani, is almost always depicted alongside Krishna and features prominently within the theology of today’s Vallabha, Utkaliya and Gaudiya Vaishnava sects, which regards Radha as the original Goddess or Shakti. Radha is also the principal god of worship in the Nimbarka Sampradaya, as Nimbarka, the founder of the tradition, declared that Radha and Krishna together constitute the absolute truth.
Please note that Radha is not mentioned anywhere in books like Bhagavata Purana,Vishnu Purana, Harivamsha or Mahabharata.
Tanzania Black Magic
Tanzania Albinos killed for Black Magic
BBC Reports
that a new campaign launched in Tanzania aims to protect albino people after a rise in the number of them being murdered. In the last three years over 70 albinos have been killed, but only ten convictions have been made. There is a belief among some in Tanzania that the body parts of someone with albinism bring wealth. Salim Kikeke reports from Mwanza in north-west Tanzania
Watch BBC Video
Vice News Report
The horror of a rapidly growing industry in the sale of albino body parts.