Category: Misc
Bṛhaspati Kavacha Mantra
In jyotiṣa there is a saying that when Jupiter protects there is none that can destroy. Jupiter brings in the great mantra powers into the fifth bhāva and dharma into the ninth bhāva. He is the ‘jīva graha’ responsible for bringing life into the various bodies.
Sleep Direction
The direction in which we sleep plays a vital role in automatically charging the body for the next day. Sleep is the natural means to rest and rejuvenate. It heals the mind and the body.
Oscar Pistorius found guilty of murder
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Oscar Pistorius
Reeva Steenkamp Murder
Justice has its ways and in a case where the world thought that he may not be really guilty, we had actually pronounced him “Guilty of Murder”.
On Dec. 3, 2015, a South African appeals court changed Oscar Pistorius’ manslaughter verdict and found him guilty of murdering his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp in 2013. Pistorius was under house arrest for the remainder of his five-year manslaughter term but will have to go to court again to be re-sentenced for murder.
Thirty-Six Rājayoga Gemstones
The Agni Purāṇa recommends thirty-six gemstones for activation of rājayoga for the kings. I guess ordinary mortals can also make good use of these recommendations.
Kiran Bedi Next CM
I am not any BJP member or supporter as in principle I am not inclined to politics or politicians. If I had my way, it would be Ram Rājya with just one divine incarnation ruling the land for life and there would be no need for any corruption of any sort.