Medinī Jyotiṣa - मेदिनी ज्योतिष is called Mundane Astrology The word mundane means ① lacking interest or excitement; dull → ‘boring, humdrum existence’, ② of this earthly world rather than a heavenly or spiritual one. The Shinto and Hindu believe that spirits of the dead can act on the mundane world, these are… Continue Reading
Terrible Transits Apr 2023 - While most may think this is a fine time for recovery, such optimism is foolish and short sighted. The planets form a pañca graha mālikā yoga (a garland) starting with mighty wind god in Aquarius indicated by Saturn and ending with the War-god in Gemini. This is a garland of… Continue Reading
Parivṛtti Aṁśa Lagna - Lagna is the most critical part of any chart. It is called तेजस चण्ड (tejas chaṇḍa) as it is always the focus point of agni (tejas means energy, heat) and points at the eastern horizon and is chaṇḍa meaning without a body like a node. It is like headless Ketu… Continue Reading
Pañca Mālikā 2022 - Ākāśa Pañca Mālikā Ākāśa means sky and pañca means five. We are not going into the esoteric details of five-pointed star now. Just notice that since Sunday 19 June 2022, a beautiful pañca-rāśi graha mālikā yoga forms from Aquarius to Gemini. The Yoga starts with Saturn in Aquarius in the… Continue Reading
Russia-Ukraine War - Breaking News "Russia has launched an all-out invasion of Ukraine by land, air and sea, the biggest attack by one state against another in Europe since World War Two and confirmation of the worst fears of the West. The attacks began on Thursday at 6.00am Moscow time after Russian President… Continue Reading
Ukraine Updates - There is no fun is passing through a daśā of a ‘defeated, combust lagneśa’. The brave Sagittarius is picking up its arms in a show of strength but that is such a foolish show of strength. This is looking very bad as the daśā Jupiter and antara Venus are both… Continue Reading
Makara Sankranti 2022 - What a Feeling Did you also feel the powerful energy of Bagala Ma yesterday. Such a powerful energy this time. Narayana is surely coming to protect this world - finally this COVID will end. Without Bagala Ma, Narayana will not come. She is that most powerful Vaishnavi Shakti. In Puri… Continue Reading
Nakṣatra Yoga (Donations) - Extracts from Mahābhārata Anuśāsana Parva, Chapter 64 It is ordained in the Purāṇas that almsgiving on each star or day will be rewarded with attainments. This is called Nakṣatra Yoga. The Nakṣatra Yoga of each star is as follows - Aśvayuk: Those who give horses and chariots as alms on… Continue Reading
Vaishnava Nakshatra Devata - Introduction The vaishnava of Jagannath worship the nakshatra devata at the time of Ratha Yatra. These devata are associated with the chariots of the three deities of the simhasana i.e. the three chariots. Other details can be learnt from the traditional writings on Jagannath Mahaprabhu. Today we take the initiative… Continue Reading
People’s Republic of China - The People's Republic of China (PRC) was formally proclaimed by Mao Zedong on 1 Oct 1949 at 3:00 pm in Tiananmen Square, Beijing. Chairman Mao chose the new capital although Nanjing had been the capital of the former Republic of China. He brought back the old name Beijing expunging the… Continue Reading
First Republic of China - Recent History of China Previously at the turn of the century (1899-1901), the “Boxer Rebellion” in Northern China tried to squeeze the Qing administration, push out dominant foreign influence of Japan and Russia and restore ancient traditional rule. But they failed. On April 5, 1911 a railway contract was given… Continue Reading
Finding Guru and Seeking Knowledge - Transcribed by Natalya Fedorova Dr. Andrew Foss: Sanjay, we were wondering, if someone does not have a guru to teach some Jyotish, how today he can start it? strong>Pt. Sanjay Rath: Guru as such means anyone or anything which removes the darkness of ignorance. In the West there is… Continue Reading
Curse of Jupiter in Sagittarius! - On 31 Dec, 2019 China alerts WHO of several pneumonia cases. It was actually COVID-19 taking roots. Later Jan 7, 2020 France confirmed its first case, but by then Wuhan city had already been reeling under the coronavirus. Jupiter is transiting Sagittarius and is very strong at the tattva level.… Continue Reading
Meaning of word Jyotiṣa - by Pandit Sanjay Rath 5th May 2015 digitally brought to you by Наталья Федорова (Natalya Federova) Jyotiṣa as a subject is very vast. Firstly, why is the subject called Jyotiṣa? Why was it not given some other name? When we talk of Jyotiṣa, it is the name of the… Continue Reading
Notre-Dame fire - Notre-Dame Cathedral went up in flames on Monday in a roaring blaze that devastated the Parisian landmark, a searing loss for the city and for France. Let us examine the charts for the event. Natal Chart: Fifth Republic: Oct 6, 1958 at 6:30 pm CET - the approximate time of… Continue Reading
Mūla Daśā - Article: Mula dasa - Varahamihira's success This dasa was yet another secret of the tradition of Orissa that has been exposed for the first time to the world at large. This dasa finds mention in the monumental classic 'Saravali' by Kalyanavarma and in Varahamihira's work. While other works spell out… Continue Reading
Aśvinī Nakṣatra – Planets - Aśvinī Nakṣatra spans from 0° - 13°20’ Aries and has four pada also called charana each measuring 3°20’. 1st Pada: 0° - 3°20’ Aries Rasi Aries Navamsa 2nd Pada: 3°20’ - 6°40’ Aries Rasi Taurus Navamsa 3rd Pada: 6°40’ - 10° Aries Rasi Gemini Navamsa 3rd Pada: 10° - 13°20’… Continue Reading
ISIS Caliphate - From the ISIS Lagna chart (previous article), it was obvious that they are trying to establish a kingdom as the lagneśa Mercury is in 9th bhāva (independent) and is also a ātmakāraka (king). Since the ārūḍha is in Libra with Rāhu and Saturn, the manifestation of this ārūḍha shall take… Continue Reading
ISIS Lagna - The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), better known as Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is a Salafi jihadist militant group that follows an Islamic fundamentalist, Wahhabi doctrine of Sunni Islam. The group is also known as Ad-Dawlah Al-Islāmiyah fī 'l-ʿIrāq wa-sh-Shām (DAESH) and has been… Continue Reading
Predicting Rain - I take this opportunity to thank Sanjay Prabhakaran, my ardent student for retrieving this old article so that t maybe available for the benefit of all astrologers. SanjayP is the SJC Jyotish Guru for Chennai Ravi Rohini Pravesha Chakra Forecasting rainfall has been one of the primary functions of Jyotish.… Continue Reading
Rahu and Eighth House - This article was published at The Jyotish Star There can be nothing more fearful than the 8th house which is called Randhra bhava in Jyotisa. The lord of the 8th house represents that which we astrologers call “the hand of destiny,” in a most negative sense. While many studies have… Continue Reading
Netraha Yoga Illustrations - Continued from Complexity of Jaimini Sutra ReCap-A Interpretation #1: śukra+āt gauṇa pada+astho rāhuḥ sūrya dṛṣṭo netra+hā Translation: "Further, Shukra associating the Gauna-Pada with Rahu and Surya aspects causes damage to the eye " ReCap-B The dictum that affliction to the fifth house from Venus leads to Netra Roga from BPHS… Continue Reading
Complexity of Jaimini Sutra - The most difficult of the classics in Vedic Astrology is the Upadesha Sutra of Maharsi Jaimini. Needless to say there are many scholars who have studied this when they reach that level where they have a fairly good mastery over the standard texts and have digested Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra… Continue Reading
Yemen Horoscope - The Republic of Yemen was formed on 22 May 1990 when the two Yemens (North and South) united as Republic of Yemen with Mr Saleh as president, as the Soviet bloc imploded. However the tension between former states endured as their fundamental differences had not been ironed out. The unification… Continue Reading
Eclipse hits Astrologers, Doctors etc - The Solar Eclipse of 20 Mar, 2015 is going to be an important turning point for the world of jyotiṣa. It is going to hit many astrologers, doctors, healers of all types and jailers as well, thereby disturbing the sign Pisces which governs these people. In addition its lord Jupiter… Continue Reading
Jupiter Bhāva: Strong or Weak? - There is an endless debate on the house position of Jupiter as making the bhāva strong or weak. Recently an astrologer of Delhi stated a generic absurd dictum that “Jupiter and benefics weaken the house they occupy while malefics strengthen the house they occupy”. Continue Reading
Ukraine UN-Peace Deal - The BBC reported that marathon peace negotiations have resulted in a new ceasefire deal for eastern Ukraine in the Belarusian capital Minsk. The 16-hour talks went on through the night, between Russian President Vladimir Putin, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, French President Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. We all… Continue Reading
Sun in Kṛttikā - Kṛttikā nakṣatra extends from 26°40’ Aries to 10° Taurus and has four pada indicating the four ayana of life. No. Position Navāṁśa Tattva Ayana D1 Lord D9 Lord Pada 1 Ar 26°40’ – Ar 30°00’ Sagittarius Agni Dharma Mars Jupiter Pada 2 Ta 0°00’ - Ta 3°20’ Capricorn Pṛthvi Artha… Continue Reading
Sun in Bharaṇī - Bharaṇī nakṣatra extends from 13°20’ – 26°40’ in Aries and has four pada indicating the four ayana of life. No. Position Navāṁśa Tattva Ayana D1 Lord D9 Lord Pada 1 Ar 13°20’ – Ar 16°40’ Leo Agni Dharma Mars Sun Pada 2 Ar 16°40’- Ar 20°00’ Virgo Pṛthvi Artha Mars… Continue Reading
Sun in Aśvinī - Aśvinī nakṣatra extends from 0°00’ - 13°20’ in Aries and has four pada indicating the four ayana of life. No. Position Navāṁśa Tattva Ayana D1 Lord D9 Lord Pada 1 Ar 0° - Ar 3°20’ Aries Agni Dharma Mars Mars Pada 2 Ar 3°20’ - Ar 6°40’ Taurus Pṛthvi Artha… Continue Reading
Greek Fire of 2008 hasn’t stopped - Until 1946 the map of Greece kept changing shape with small regions moving in and out of the conglomeration of independent states. A civil war followed in the aftermath of World War II. Two decades of democracy ended abruptly when the Greek coup d'état took place on 21 April 1967… Continue Reading
Maṅgalika Doṣa - Maṅgalika doṣa is a flaw of the energy processing system in the native. Mars (maṅgala) represents agni tattva and when this is flawed, the energy gets directed to wrong purposes and the result is terrible waste of both resources and time in addition to much suffering and pain. It is… Continue Reading
Tanzania Black Magic - Tanzania Albinos killed for Black Magic BBC Reports that a new campaign launched in Tanzania aims to protect albino people after a rise in the number of them being murdered. In the last three years over 70 albinos have been killed, but only ten convictions have been made. There is… Continue Reading
Sydney Shock - Melbourne has suffered a Rāhu attack in the form of a Sixteen-hour siege on Monday, 15 Dec 2014 a day before Dhanus saṅkrānti. A brief outline of the events and the vimśottari daśā of Australia Chart. Continue Reading
Sloviansk - Everyone in western Europe seems alarmed at the news report on Sloviansk, a city in eastern Ukraine. India is just too busy with its elections, Maoist bombs and Modi's wife to be bothered about whats happening in Europe. The whole attitude to Ukraine is 'Let the people decide'. But that's… Continue Reading
Solar Eclipse 2014 - Annular Solar Apr-29Fred EspenakSeries: SEsaros148 Unlike the lunar eclipse which has a more spiritual signification as well as personal, the solar eclipse is of much greater importance as this shows the world changing around us. There are FOUR eclipses in 2014 (NASA Eclipse Web). Continue Reading
Lunar Eclipse of 2014 - There are FOUR eclipses in 2014 (NASA Eclipse Web). Continue Reading
Eclipse Factor - Annular Solar Eclipse of May 31, 2003 Although the Sun is 400 times larger than the Moon, yet it is also about 400 times as far from the Earth than the Moon. This situation causes the two luminaries (Sun and Moon) to appear as about the same size in the… Continue Reading
Crimea: The Beginning - When we wrote about Crimea breaking from Ukraine, so many were alarmed but then this is only the beginning of a very long daśā (vedic period) of Jupiter which is involved in a battle with Mercury in the natal chart of Ukraine. Let us say that for some reason whatever,… Continue Reading
Flight MH370 Disaster - Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 went missing over the South China Sea on Saturday morning (8 Mar, 2014). The Boeing 777-200 took off from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, at 12:41 a.m. Saturday. It was scheduled to arrive in Beijing at 6:30 am the same day, after a 2,700-mile journey. Around 1:30 am,… Continue Reading
Ukraine Crisis - It is very evident that Ukraine is going to go through a surgery where its appendix is going to be removed. Chart attached - data below for others MundaneNationsEuropeUkraine Date: August 24, 1991; Time: 5:46:00 pm; Time Zone: 3:00:00 (East of GMT); Place: 30 E 31' 00", 50 N 26'… Continue Reading
- World View of Iran - Dharma is seen in the 9th bhāva. Mercury as the lagneśa in the ninth bhāva indicates freedom (9H) of speech (Mercury) showing a parliamentary democracy while the conjunction with Ketu (religion, spirituality, belligerence) shows the dominant theocracy. Iran combines elements of a parliamentary democracy with a religious theocracy run by… Continue Reading
- Iran Islamic Republic - History Iran, historically known as Persia and officially as the Islamic Republic of Iran since 1980, is a country in Western Asia. Iran is home to one of the world's oldest civilizations, beginning with the formation of the Elamite kingdom in 2800 BCE. The Iranian Medes unified the country into… Continue Reading
Arudha Pada: Images of World - Āruḍha Pada Āruḍha literally means mount and refers to the illusion (Maya) created by the reflection of a sign about its lord or vice versa (i.e. the image of the lord reflected by its sign). The first is called Rāśi Āruḍha or simply Bhāva Pada while the latter is called… Continue Reading
Tithi Pravesha - Introduction By Sanjay Rath and P.V.R. Narasimha Rao Tithi Pravesha is the Annual Horoscopy of Jyotish. The Tajika System of annual horoscopy employs a chart cast for every year of life based on the solar return (i.e. sun’s return to its natal sidereal position). Many scholars of history and Vedic… Continue Reading
Chelyabinsk Meteor - Whats with Russia (starting letter र-ra) and the places having starting letter च (cha) like Chelyabinsk or Chernobyl? At least prima facie we find the letter च (cha) in the sign Pisces which is the 6th house of troubles, accidents and suffering from the name letter of Russia. Apparently, at… Continue Reading
- Argala: Planetary Intervention - Argalā Argalā means planetary/sign intervention. I consider this the single greatest teaching of Maharishi Parāśara without which we cannot explain the hidden or subtle influence of a planet in the chart. The magnificent theory of Argalā stipulates the following: - (a) Every planet has the power to influence the affairs… Continue Reading
- Tattva & Dristi - Tattva There are five principal elements or states of existence of all material bodies called TATTVA. These are (1) the Solid state called Pṛthvi or Earth, (2) the Liquid state called Jala or Water, the Gaseous state called Vāyu, the Vacuum state called Ākāśa or the Energy state called Agni.… Continue Reading
- Scope of Jyotiṣa - Of late I have found some of my new students to make blunders which none of my older students would ever do. It is something very basic, very foundational. It is the scope of vedic astrology – vedāñga jyotiṣa. While everyone quotes Ādi Śaṅkara in stating that vedic astrology is… Continue Reading
- Obama Wins Re-Election - President Obama won a second term in the White House Tuesday night, Fox News projects, overcoming concerns about the fragile economic recovery to edge out Republican nominee Mitt Romney. As races continued to be called well into the morning, it appeared that the balance of power in Washington could remain… Continue Reading
- Introduction 01 - The Sun Signs - Zodiac Dvādasa Āditya- The twelve Sun Signs: For one reason or the other, whether it be the conquest of the Normans or the birth of Christ, the starting date of the year has been varying as calendars come and go. In the scheme of Vedic astrology,… Continue Reading
Nārāyaṇa Daśā Preface - Shankaracharya's Prayer ॐ नारायणः परोऽव्यक्तादण्डमव्यक्तसंभवम्। अण्डस्यान्तस्तित्वमे लोकाः सप्तदीपा च मेदिनी॥ om nārāyaṇaḥ paro'vyaktādaṇḍamavyaktasambhavam| aṇḍasyāntastitvame lāokaḥ saptdvīpā ca madinī|| Om: Nārāyaṇa is beyond (much above) the unmanifest. The brahmāṇḍa (cosmic egg) evolves from the unmanifest. The brahmāṇḍa contains all the worlds including this earth with its seven islands. This prayer of… Continue Reading
Darapada and Upapada - Rebirth or mokṣa Bṛhat Parāśara Kārakādhyāyaḥ सर्ववार्ताधिकारी च बन्धकृन्मोक्षक्रत् तथा॥८॥ sarvavārttādhikārī ca bandhakṛnmokṣakrat tathā sarva- whole, entire, all every; vārtta- having means of subsistence, practising any business or profession, karma; adhikāra-m. authority, government, rule, administration, jurisdiction; ca-and; bandha-m. binding, tying, fetter, arrest, imprisonment; kṛntana-n. cutting, cutting off, dividing; mokṛa-m. Continue Reading
Karakamsa and Natural Zodiac - Kārakāṁśa One of the important principles of our tradition is to treat the Kārakāṁśa as Aries and examine the planets in the houses from it. Reason being that the ātmakāraka is akin to the jīvātmā (or jaḍātmā in the case of inanimate beings) which is similar to the Paramātma in… Continue Reading
- Zola Budd - Aśleṣā 3rd Pada: Zola Budd South African-British athlete called the world’s fastest woman. A wisp of a girl at 5'2" and 83 pounds, she proved herself a distance runner of world-class when she broke Mary Decker's record. However, the Moon is in Aśleṣā nakṣatra at 23°21’ in the 3rd pada.… Continue Reading
- Bruce Hammerslough - Aśleṣā 4th Pada: Bruce Hammerslough Bruce Hammerslough was a noted American astrologer who co-founded of Greenlake Metaphysical Center with Dennis Flaherty. Formerly, he served as the President of the Atlanta and Washington State Astrological Societies. Jupiter as the 8th lord is well placed in the 8th bhāva (even though in… Continue Reading
- Albert ‘Al’ Gore, Jr. - Mūla 4th Pada: Albert ‘Al’ Gore, Jr. The fourth pada of Mūla is considered a very fortunate part for the Moon to occupy. All sages attribute rājayoga caused by the blessings of Śrī Vāyu, the wind god. The native is very successful and is like a faithful Hanuman who will… Continue Reading
- Ingeborg Bachmann - Mūla 3rd Pada: Ingeborg Bachmann Austrian poet, dramatist, and novelist, Ingeborg Bachmann was a leading voice in post-war German literature. The prestigious The Festival of German-Language Literature which awards the “Ingeborg Bachmann Prize” since 1977 is named after her. During her lifetime Bachmann, was known first and foremost as a… Continue Reading
- Darryl Sittler - Mūla 2nd Pada: Darryl Sittler Darryl Glen Sittler is a legend in professional ice hockey. He played in the National Hockey League from 1970 (Venus daśā Mercury antardaśā) until 1985 (Moon daśā Saturn antardaśā). On 7 Feb 1976, Sittler set an NHL record that still stands, for most points scored… Continue Reading
- Charlie Sheen - Mūla 1st Pada: Charlie Sheen Charlie Sheen was born Carlos Irwin Estevez and is a top Hollywood actor. He was born as the third son of Martin Sheen. Sheen has two older brothers, Emilio Estevez and Ramon Estevez, and a younger sister, Renée Estevez, all actors and children of actor… Continue Reading
- Gaṇḍānta Anthony Hopkins - Mūla 1st Pada: Anthony Hopkins In the chart of Sir Philip Anthony Hopkins Moon is in Mūla gaṇḍānta at 1°04’ just outside the Abhukta range. It is very similar to the chart of Charles Farrar Browne and acts as the 8th lord in Lagna which gives great fame especially from… Continue Reading
Gaṇḍānta Y.S.Rajasekhara Reddy - Details about the chart can be read in a previous issue of the Jyotish Digest. In the chart of Y. Rajasekhara Reddy (YSR), Moon is in Mūla gaṇḍānta in the 12th bhāva. The exact position of the Moon at 1°28’ is just outside the Abhukta mūla range of 0°50’ indicating… Continue Reading
- Gaṇḍānta - Nakṣatra Gaṇḍānta Gaṇḍa has been clearly defined by Nārada as the period of a prahara (3 hours) covering the junction of agni and jala rāśi. These junctions are (1) Jyeṣṭha-Mūla (in Scorpio-Sagittarius) , (2) Aśleṣā-Maghā (in Cancer-Leo) and (3) Revatī-Aśvinī (in Pisces-Aries). Maharṣi Vasiṣṭha defines a flaw called ‘Abhukta Mūla’… Continue Reading
- Eight Sign Zodiac - This is an introduction to the eight-sign zodiac called Kālachakra. 1 Introduction Aṣṭadala Padma (Eight petal lotus) is the foundation of Hindu philosophy. It is based on the Kālachakra (wheel of time), which is composed of eight spokes and has the 28 constellations distributed in these spokes. Each of these… Continue Reading
- Hora – roots of Jyotish - Have you ever wondered why the order of the weekdays is 'Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wedneday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday? The clue lies in Hora. It is the basis for determining the order of the weekdays. List the planets on the basis of their average speeds or in the order of… Continue Reading
Drekkana reckoning and Rishis - Yashoda annd Swati’s question wrote: Hare Rama Krsna, I was listening to Atri classes on Jagannatha drekkana , where Sanjayji talks about Agasthya is related to Bhramarishi ( chara rashis, 9th from sthir rashis Moon ), Doorvaasa is related to Maharishi (sthira rashis, 9th from dwija rashis Moon), Narada is… Continue Reading
- National Finance - Introduction- The houses Before venturing into the study of the finances of a nation we should be clear about the indications of the houses in the chart. In deva prasna (i.e. questions bearing on deities, the twelve houses signify (1) Divine presence, (2) wealth, (3) temple servants, (4) vehicles (5)… Continue Reading
- Trimsamsa D-30 Chart - There are two methods to draw a Trimsamsa (D30) Chart. We discuss the method of Parashara. What is the Trimsamsa, and how to draw a Trimsamsa Chart? Trimsamsa means the one-thirtieth portion of a sign measuring one degree. Unlike other divisions, the Sun and Moon are not the Lords of… Continue Reading
- Atmakaraka II: Bhagavat Gita - Continued from Ātmakāraka I Bhagavat Gītā: A few years ago when we were asked about the standard books for studying Jyotisa, the Bhagavat Gītā, Bṛhat Parāśara horā śāstra and Maharṣi Jaimini’s upadeśa sutra were recommended as the foundation. Continue Reading
Atmakaraka & Karakamsa - Kārakāṁśa is composed of two words - (1) 'kāraka' referring to the ātmakāraka specifically and other Charakāraka (temporal significators) as well and (2) 'aṁśa' referring to the navāṁśa and other divisional charts. Continue Reading
Brahma Vidyā: Yuga Sub-Cycles - Brahma has four heads from which He spoke the four vedas - the Rig Veda, Yaju Veda, Sama Veda and Atharva Veda. When the three guna (Satva, Rajas and Tamas) manifest, they do so in a combination such that either one of the three predominates or they are in a… Continue Reading
- Sama Saptaka Concept - “Sama-Saptaka” means mutual seventh and refers to the placement of two ‘otherwise friendly planets’ in mutual one-seventh houses from each other. The placement of two diremalefics in such places is not considered ’sama-saptaka’. Continue Reading
- Vedic Calendar - There is a need to review the calendar system used in Vedic astrology and to set the standards for the right calendar to be followed in this regard. There have been various calendar reform committees set up in various forum, yet there has not been any consensus as deep inside… Continue Reading
Sambandha #2 - continued from Sambandha#1. The case studies done as a part of the discussions in the previous paper are listed here. Graha Ārudha (required for some charts) Calculation rules 1. For Graha Ārudha, count from the planet to its own sign. Then count as many signs from this own sign. The… Continue Reading
- Vāra Chakra: 13 Months 13 Signs - Correct thinking – its simple 7 x 4 = 28 But then I tell you about the 13 petal lotus at the door of Jagannath at Puri The Savana Year using the Vāra is as follows – Month = 4 weeks = 7 x 4 = 28 days = 28… Continue Reading
- BAVA 13th Annual Conference 2011 - Theme: '2012 and Beyond: Mundane Astrology and Predictive Techniques' 14th-18th April 2011 | Venue 11/13 Mandeville Place, London WIU 3AJ, UK. (nearest tube station Bond Street) The Speakers are the world's most respected experts: Prof C.V.B. Subrahmanyam, Pandit Sanjay Rath, Sarbani Rath, Ch.V.Ananth, Rafael Gil Brand, Andrew Foss, Komilla Sutton,… Continue Reading
- Vimshottari Dasha #2 - Longevity related notes and the use of Utpanna, Adhana and Kshema Vimsottari dasa Longevity related Notes On Vimsottari Dasa Dasa Sesham Calculation of longevity should be done as per traditional tools. Separate Vimsottari dasa’s can be calculated from the fifth, fourth and eighth constellation from Janma Nakshatra . These are… Continue Reading
- Dharma – Marriage - "Dharma is the foundation of marriage" Sanjay Rath (Feb 2000) Lecture delivered at the Brahman Sabha, Haryana, 2001. Bhagavan Sri Krishna teaches that the first signs of the fall in Dharma is the corruption of women: Extract from: Bhagavat Gita-As it is by Srila Prabhupada अधर्माभिभवात्कृष्ण प्रदुष्यन्ति कुलस्त्रियः। स्त्रीषु दुष्टासु… Continue Reading
Principles of Divisional Charts - Primary Divisions We must not forget that it was the Hindus who discovered what is known as the precession of the Equinoxes, and in their calculation such an occurrence takes place every 25,827 years. Our modern science, after labors of hundreds of years has simply proved them to be correct....Count… Continue Reading
- Medical Astrology I - Lesson prepared by Anshu Sood: Ansumalee Sood is an engineer and an ardent exponent of Vedic Astrology. He has authored a number of articles in Jyotish and is known for his expertise in estimating stock market turns. He is a regular at the Sunday classes at SJC, New Delhi (Guru:… Continue Reading
- Shula Dasha - Introduction Shoola Dasa is an Ayur (Longevity) Dasa meant for determining the period of death of the self, spouse and other relations. It is amongst the most accurate dasa for longevity and health and can be used to accurately time the occurance of all events pertaining to the state of… Continue Reading
Nakśatras in Disease - Paper on Role of Nakshatra in Disease by Sanjay Rath Weekend Workshop VI | 4-5 October 2003 | Sri Jagannātha Center, USA Sri Krishna’s teachings Disease and Nakśatras Sri Kŕśńa was teaching Yudhiśŧhira and narrated the discussion between Agnihotra Kauśika Muni and Mahaŕśi Garga (Bhaviśya Pūrāńa). Mahaŕśi Garga inquired “Brahma!… Continue Reading
- Vimśottari Daśā - A study of the finest udu dasa system taught by Parasara and other authors of classical jyotish literature. Let us pray to Sarasvati with the following Sarasvati Gāyatri Mantra from the Rig Veda (Mandala-1.Hymn-3.Mantra-10) before starting the lesson. पावका नः सरस्वती वाजेभिर्वाजिनीवती। यज्ञं वष्टु धीया वसुः॥ pāvakā naḥ sarasvatī vājebhirvājinīvatī|… Continue Reading
Sambandha - Paper on Relationships presented in SJC, USA 2005 Before venturing into delineating relationships between two individuals or group dynamics, we need to understand the meaning of ‘sambandha’ and its various connotations. Thereafter, we shall examine the Jyotisha principles concerning people and houses, and finally we shall examine the relationships, both… Continue Reading
Nakshatra Articles - Nakshatra Articles includes a list of articles indicated by the nakshatra which shows that which tends to florish under the shakti of the nakshatra. For example any mantra started under Krittika nakshatra is bound to succeed and this becomes a favorite nakshatra of the Brahmana. Later we also understand that… Continue Reading
- Nakshatra Shakti - Power of the Nakshatra (Read Dr.David Frawley - Shaktis of the Nakshatras and Fruits of Worshipping Each Nakshatra); A list of Vedic Nakshatra deities, their shakti, upper and lower levels and the results of their being are listed. A more detailed reference is Pt. Sanjay Rath's 'Brihat Nakshatra'. One very… Continue Reading
- Nakshatra Basics - Nakshatra basics including a list of the meaning if the nakshatra, number of stars (which is used in various ways in astrology), the symbol which can be used to determine the aspirations and motivations of the mind and Guna (this is the general guna based on the three fold regular… Continue Reading
Nakshatra Tables - Nakshatra (Sanskrit: नक्षत्र, IAST: Nakṣatra) is the term for lunar mansion in Hindu astrology. A nakshatra is one of 27 (or 28) sectors along the ecliptic. Their names are related to the most prominent asterisms. n classical Hindu mythology (Mahabharata, Harivamsa), the creation of the nakshatras is attributed to Daksha.… Continue Reading
- Nakshatra Division - नमस्कार | Nakshatra Mandala defined including calculation of Abhijit 28th Nakshatra God has decorated the heavens with constellations like pearls on dark steed. The light of the Sun hides them in the day, and all knowledge of them is divined in the darkens of the night’ Maharishi Parasara, Rig-Veda Vedic… Continue Reading
Muhurta Definition - Muhurta is essentially (1) a measure of time equal to 48 minutes and also (2) refers to the application of Vedic astrology wisdom in determining the auspicious time for starting an event. Continue Reading
Naisargika Dasha - Presented at ACVA Tenth International Symposium on Vedic Astrology, 2003; Venue: Phoenix Room, Radisson Poco Diablo Resort, Sedona, AZ; Date: Sunday – November 16, 2003 ; Time: 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM Naisargika Dasha is the natural growth and decay of the body. This was one of the two dasa… Continue Reading
- Muhurta - The word Muhurta has a few meanings and references – Muhurta is a time measure of 48 minutes reckoned from sunrise as a part of definition of linear time concepts (based on the speed of light as in the Rig Veda 1.50). The smallest time unit called nimesha is the… Continue Reading
- Bha-Chakra – The Zodiac - Shankaracharya’s Prayer ॐ नारायण परोऽव्यक्तादण्डमव्यक्तसम्भवम्। अण्डस्यान्तस्तित्वमे लोकाः सप्तदीपा च मेदिनि॥ om nārāyaṇa paro'vyaktādaṇḍamavyaktasambhavam| aṇḍasyāntastitvame lokāḥ saptadīpā ca medini|| Translation: OM: NARAYANA IS BEYOND (MUCH ABOVE) THE UNMANIFEST. THE BRAHMANDA (COSMIC EGG) EVOLVES FROM THE UNMANIFEST. THE BRAHMANDA CONTAINS ALL THE WORLDS INCLUDING THIS EARTH WITH ITS SEVEN CONTINENTS. This prayer… Continue Reading
- Sun and Moon in Life - SOME writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them; whereas they are not only different, but have different origins. Society is produced by our wants, and government by wickedness; the former promotes our happiness positively by uniting our affections, the latter negatively… Continue Reading
Vedic Astrology – The Philosophy - A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. — Lao-tzu 1.1 Creation Creation of the Universe has been a popular theme with philosophies and so also with Vedic Astrology.Parasara teaches that the entire manifested Universe is but one-eighth portion of the body of Narayana. The size… Continue Reading
- Introduction to Vedic Astrology - Basic Vedic Astrology Perhaps the first step in Vedic Astrology is to discard the idea that it is some kind of a superstition. Astrology is composed of two words "Astro" referring to the study of celestial bodies and phenomena and "Logos" meaning the logical application of this scientific study. Continue Reading
- What is Hora Shastra? - Definition The word hora means a unit of time equivalent to an hour and in all likelihood has been the root of the same word. It is derived from two words "aho" & "ratra" meaning "day" & "night" respectively. Thus hora also means the most primary two-fold division of time… Continue Reading
Franklin Delano Roosevelt - FDR fireside chat March 1933 Introduction: Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945) was the 32nd President of the United Sates of America. FDR was born in Hyde Park, New York at “Springwood”, his family’s country estate. He was related to the President Theodore Roosevelt. His aristocracy is easily seen from the rising… Continue Reading
- India Elections 2009 - Predictions published on TV Of course the Congress Party is winning this elections as the Narayan dasha of Libra continues from 2002 - 2011. Ever since the inception of this daśā, the then ruling BJP started to decline and failed to outshine the Congress in the elections of 2004. Sonia… Continue Reading
George Harrison - “This Mysterious Beatle” George Harold Harrison needs no introduction. The date and time of his birth as recorded are 25 February, 1943; 00:05’ BST; (-1Hr GMT); Liverpool, U.K. Later this was ‘corrected’ by an astrologer. He wrote, "For instance, I only learned recently after all these years that the date… Continue Reading
- Karma and Freewill - An article by Pandit Sanjay Rath with an introduction by Das Goravani Please Note This is a very old article created from some mails in the Goravani Jyotish List by Raghunandan Das Goravani. A more comprehensive explanation of the Karma Theory is in available in this video presentation Raghunandan Das… Continue Reading
- Iraq: Matibhramana yoga - Article Published in The Jyotish Digest Editorial for Jan-Mar, 2003; written March 2002. That old Iraq of 1932 is now history... Chart 1 : Iraq Rasi chakra Historical perspective Historically, Iraq was a part of the Ottoman Empire before becoming a British protectorate. Then she became a kingdom and finally… Continue Reading
- India - Article published in 1997 in the Times of Astrology. Readers will appreciate the accurate prediction about the BJP coming to power during theNārāyaṇa Daśā daśā of Pisces (1997 - 2002). This is exactly what happened and in the net daśā, the BJP lost power. India Indian democracy has been witnessing… Continue Reading
Khanna (Lilavati) - Note: The authenticity of this story is doubted but there is no doubt that Khanna or Lilavati was a great astrologer. We intend to present her great teachings in the recent future by translating some of her works. A television serial in the bengali language highlights her achievements. Brief History… Continue Reading
- Debunking & Confirming Avatara theories - Extracts from book: Brhat Naksatra by Sanjay Rath …We are not empowered with this knowledge to debunk theories about avatara is they do not confirm to the requirements of the charts. Shri Chaitanya is Krishna avatara Shri Chaitanya: Amsha avatara Shri Chaitanya appeared on February 27, 1486 at 5:56:40 pm… Continue Reading
- Bhrigu Samhita – a view - The ‘Bhrigu Samhita’ is a treatise on Jyotish (Vedic astrology) compiled by ‘Maharishi Bhrigu’ during Vedic period. Although the available evidence suggests that this was compiled over a period of time by the various Sisya (Students in the lineage) of Maharishi Bhrigu.Symbolically, all creation begins from Venus which represents Semen,… Continue Reading
- Denmark - The Kingdom of Denmark (Danish: Kongeriget Danmark) is the largest of the five Nordic countries (offshore territories Greenland and the Faroe Islands included). It is one of the three Scandinavian countries although the mainland is located north of its only land neighbour, Germany. As the Danish liberal and national movement… Continue Reading
- India Tithi Pravesh 2008 - Indian Independence chart India entered the maraka antardasha of Ketu in Venus dasha from 4 July 2008 and within a few months we have been constantly troubled by terrorists culminating in the war on Mumbai on 26 November. The pratyantara dasha of Moon, the third lord of the chart indicates… Continue Reading
- What is happening? 2011 approaches - The BBC article reads 'Scores of Indian soldiers killed in Maoist ambushes'. Maoist rebels have killed at least 75 Indian soldiers in a series of attacks on security convoys in the central state of Chhattisgarh. A large patrol of federal paramilitary troops was ambushed at dawn by hundreds of heavily… Continue Reading
- Saptarṣi Nakṣatra - Extracts from Brihat Nakshatra The saptarishi nakshatra afford a fine way to determine the future of the world and trends in world affairs. Continue Reading
- Dvisaptati Sama Dasa - Extract from the book 'Vimshottari and Udu Däsa' by Sanjay Rath Dwisaptati Sama Dasa The stellar universe is not so difficult of comprehension as the real actions of other people. Continue Reading
- Narayana Dasa – Extracts - Extracts from Narayana Dasa book (c) Sanjay Rath Erstwhile USSR There were two revolutions in 1917 in Russia. The first set up a provisional government and the other was the overthrow of the same to establish communism for the first time in the world. The revolution headed by Lenin made… Continue Reading