Contact Himani Pushkar for scheduling Vedic Readings. Call or Text +91 9818577428 or email her
About Me
Sanjay Rath belongs to a traditional family of astrologers from Bira Balabhadrapur Sasan village of Puri, Orissa, which trace their lineage back to Shri Achyuta Das (Sri Achyutananda). Read More
Constant Support
Devaguru Bṛhaspati Center is committed to the highest standards of vedic astrology, and we can say with confidence that we have the finest, most rigorous courses and most erudite scholars to teach the same.
15B Ganga Ram Hospital Road, New Delhi 110060
Jaimini Scholar (DBC) +91 9810449850
SoHaṁsa [caption id="attachment_2456" align="alignright" width="297"] Surya Yantra[/caption] Sohamsa is, perhaps, the best place for learning Vedic Astrology in the tradition....
Jyotish Gems
Nala Saraswati & Suravi Saraswati
Business Name: Oocha Mani
Phone number (Suravi): +1 805 766 6172