Animal Signs - Study of animal and birds as a method of deciphering omens is as ancient as the science of jyotiṣa called ‘nimitta śāstra’. The jyotiṣa of Oḍiśā studied the flight of the vulture to declare whether the king and army should proceed to battle or choose another opportune time. पल्ली (palli)… Continue Reading
Panchanga Intro - Pañcāṅga refers to the five limbs of time. The quality of time is defined by the pañcāṅga and these are ruled by the pañca devatā – Sūrya (agni), Durgā (jala), Gaṇeśa (pṛthvi), Rudra (vāyu) and Viṣṇu (ākāśa). Continue Reading
2019 BAVA Conference - 2019 BAVA 20th International Conference Theme: Love, Marriage and Relationships 19 – 24 April 2019 The Workshops are with Pandit Samavedula, Pandit Sanjay Rath, Komilla Sutton and Andrew Foss The Faculty of Esteemed Vedic Astrologers:- Pandit Sanjay Rath, Sarbani Rath, Pandit Samavedula, Visti Larsen, Dr Andrew Foss, Komilla Sutton, Gordon Brennan,… Continue Reading
Mantra Śāstra Program - Overview Devaguru Bṛhaspati Center announces its new program titled “Mantra Śāstra Program”, hereinafter ‘MSP’ to be taught both online and through contact classes in the Himalayas over a period of a few years to attain higher levels of knowledge of Mantra Śāstra and its application in Vedic Remedial in Astrology.… Continue Reading
Dhana Kāraka Workshop - Śrī Jagannāth Center announces its first workshop in the study of Dhana Yoga. This workshop shall lay the foundation for the study of wealth and career directions. There are three pivots to the study of life and these are the three charts – lagna, sūrya and chandra chakra. The role… Continue Reading
NY Workshop on Spiritual Yogas 2017 - Jyotiṣa of the Four Soul Yogas Dates: Weekend 22-23 July, 2017; 9.30am - 6.00pm Venue: The Alchemical Theatre Laboratory, 104 West 14th Street, between 6th & 7th Ave. New York, NY 10011; Bookings: One-Day $108 or Complete Workshop $180 Choose Participation Full Workshop $180.00 USD Saturday Only $108.00 USD Sunday… Continue Reading
SFO Vimśottari Daśā Workshop - Weekend: 8th – 9th July, 2017 Venue: Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center Address: 1185 Vicente St, San Francisco, CA 94116, USA Phone: +1 415-681-2731 Please visit the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center WebPage and Register. Link is at the bottom of the page. Saturday Schedule AM 9-12: Sanjay Rath Introduction to Vimśottari… Continue Reading
SAYF 18th Vedic Astrology Conference 2017 - 18th Vedic Astrology Conference Exploring the Inner Journey through Yoga and Jyotisha Presented by Sanjay Rath, Sarbani Rath, Komilla Sutton, Andrew Foss PhD, William R. Levacy, PhD, James Kelleher, Keiko Ito, Bill Sinclair, Pandit Samavedula, Swami Sitaramananda Dates: Saturday, July 1 – Wednesday, July 5, 2017 Venue: 14651 Ballantree Ln,… Continue Reading
BAVA 18th International Conference - Faculty Pdt Sanjay Rath, Sarbani Rath, Pdt Samavedula, Dee Lekha, Keiko Ito, Bulbul Barrett, Vijaya Subramanian, Komilla Sutton, Andrew Foss, Geoffrey Pearce, Gordon Brennan, Barry Rosen. A brief biopic is included below. Venue Workshops on Thursday, Monday and Tuesday The Theosophical Society, 50 Gloucester Place London W1U 8EA. Nearest tube… Continue Reading
PJC 2016 Admissions - Objectives The Parāśara Jyotiṣa Course (PJC) is to be taught in the tradition of Puri, India and includes spiritual instructions to develop the mind in order to grasp the entire subject. The student is to develop a keen understanding of Vedic astrology and will master all the śloka of Bṛhat… Continue Reading
Jyotiṣa Workshop on Family - Speakers: Pt. Continue Reading
Complexity of Jaimini Sutra - The most difficult of the classics in Vedic Astrology is the Upadesha Sutra of Maharsi Jaimini. Needless to say there are many scholars who have studied this when they reach that level where they have a fairly good mastery over the standard texts and have digested Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra… Continue Reading
Marriage and Relationships Workshops - Devaguru Bṛhaspati Centre (DBC) announces its series of Vyāsa Workshops to be held at Delhi, India. The first theme for this series is Marriage and Relationships which are, perhaps, the greatest challenge facing our times today as women try to carve a new role for themselves in society and men… Continue Reading
BAVA 17th International Conference - 2015 Conference and Workshops 23 to 27 April 2015 London, UK. The Workshops are with Pandit Samavedula, Komilla Sutton, Andrew Foss, Sanjay Rath B.A.V.A 2015 Conference WebPages Faculty The Faculty of Esteemed Vedic Astrologers: Pdt Sanjay Rath, Sarbani Rath, Pdt Samavedula, Lakshmi Ramesh, Komilla Sutton, Andrew Foss, Geoffrey Pearce, Gordon… Continue Reading
Jaimini Scholar Program - The Jaimini Scholar Program (JSP) is perhaps, the greatest and most detailed jyotiṣa study available on this planet. It is no mean feat to study this in depth and finally get certified after facing the viva-voce. This program was conceptualised and taught in the traditional manner by Pt. Sanjay Rath… Continue Reading
CVA 2014 Conference - Jupiter in Cancer —The Return of the Light Dates: June 19-23, 2014. Greater Seattle Area Venue: Embassy Suites Seattle - North/Lynnwood, 20610 44th Ave West, Lynnwood, Washington, USA 98036 | Tel: +1-425-775-2500 | Fax: +1-425-774-0485 Reservations Map The CVA will be celebrating our 20th anniversary by convening an extraordinary conference… Continue Reading
2014 BAVA Conference - Conference Theme: ‘Jupiter and Saturn in honor of their exaltations’ Dates: 24 to 29 April 2014 London, UK. Venue: 11/13 Mandeville Place, London WIU 3AJ, UK. (nearest tube station Bond Street) Google Map This is the 16th international BAVA Conference. The Workshops are with Sanjay Rath, Pandit Samavedula, Komilla Sutton… Continue Reading
Sivananda Ashram 15th AVAC - Sivananda Ashram 15th Annual Vedic Astrology Conference Friday, July 4—Sunday, July 6, 2014 Speakers: Sanjay Rath • Sarbani Rath • Komilla Sutton • William R. Levacy, Ph.D. Continue Reading
Mantra Foundation - Devaguru Bṛhaspati Center announces a new program on Mantra Śāstra titled “Mantra Śāstra Foundation” to be taught by Pt. Sanjay Rath. Objectives The Mantra Foundation program is to be taught in the tradition of Puri, India and includes spiritual instructions to develop the mind in order to grasp the entire… Continue Reading
- PJC Himalaya Batch-II - Parāśara Jyotiṣa Program | Himalaya Batch-II Description The course for each academic year of the Parāśara Jyotiṣa Paṇḍita program shall commence from Makara saṅkrānti (about 14 January, 2013) and shall be taught online at Himalaya Contact The contact course shall be for about 10 days (as required for each… Continue Reading
EM News - Jack Labanauskas , Editor of the Enneagram Monthly reports the final year and certification of the first batch of Jaimini Scholar program at page 2 of EM Issue 182. After two months in a perfectly nice nice place on the edge of a little lake, in the Himalayan foothills… Continue Reading
Join PJC Year-2 - Parāśara Jyotiṣa Year-2 Course available for 2 years from date of joining as you are likely to take more time to listen to 30+ days of recordings and video-slides. Continue Reading
- Vimśāṁśa Workshop 2011 - The Spiritual weekend workshop in California was a great success and the expert vedic astrologers of America enjoyed every minute. You can view the slides. For the first time we have given some great secrets of the tradition and showed exactly how to study the D20 Chart. Continue Reading
Foundation Audio - Huge audio files download of the teachings on Foundations of Vedic Astrology. You can right-click on the link and download the audio files or left click on them and listen online. You are free to download, store and listen to these audio files. Continue Reading
- Divination Methods - A abacomancy /ˈæbəkɵmænsi/: by dust (Hebrew ’ābāq, dust + Greek manteia, prophecy) acultomancy /əˈkʌltɵmænsi/ (also acutomancy): by needles (from acutomancy below, influenced by Latin acūleus, needle) acutomancy /əˈkjuːtɵmænsi/ → see acultomancy above (Latin acus , needle + Greek manteia, prophecy) adromancy /ˈædrɵmænsi/ → see alomancy below (from idromancy below, influenced… Continue Reading
Slide Presentations - Bṛhaspati Jyotiṣa Course A free online course for you to learn nice lessons on Vedic Astrology. Continue Reading
Eclipse Theory - SATURDAY June 26, 2010 PM: The Eclipse Factor in Charts Types of eclipses Who are affected and how...we will study the real effect of eclipses on birth charts and understand the real nodal influences This is not a new theory but the teachings of Varahamihira PDF #1: Eclipse Factor covers… Continue Reading
Parāśara Jyotiṣa Course - A five year online and contact program Objectives The Parāśara Jyotiṣa course is to be taught in the tradition of Puri, India and includes spiritual instructions to develop the mind in order to grasp the entire subject. The student is to develop a keen understanding of Vedic astrology and will… Continue Reading
- Spiritual Weekend in California - Venue: Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, 1069 East Meadow Circle, Palo Alto, CA 94303 - at the 'Samadhi Classroom" Website: Dates: 28-29 May, 2011, Time: 10.00am - 5.00pm Organiser SueAnn McKean, Jaimini Scholar sueann Send an email to SueAnn and book your seat Donation: $108 (for both days) Recommended… Continue Reading
- Brahmarishi Jyotiṣa Class - Schedule Date Day Morning Workshop 18 May Wed Personal Vāstu My Vāstu 19 May Thu Sixteen Ascendants Me in my chart 20 May Fri Tithī Praveśa Decipher 2011-12 Pt. Continue Reading
- Śrī Someśvara Kumbhabhisekam - Śrī Someśvara Temple is being built to stand for a millennium. The inaugural ceremony will be a profoundly auspicious event, said to bestow the highest blessings to all in attendance. Countless hours have been dedicated to the creation of this beautiful building, whose structure resonates with the very structure of the… Continue Reading
- BAVA 13th Annual Conference 2011 - Theme: '2012 and Beyond: Mundane Astrology and Predictive Techniques' 14th-18th April 2011 | Venue 11/13 Mandeville Place, London WIU 3AJ, UK. (nearest tube station Bond Street) The Speakers are the world's most respected experts: Prof C.V.B. Subrahmanyam, Pandit Sanjay Rath, Sarbani Rath, Ch.V.Ananth, Rafael Gil Brand, Andrew Foss, Komilla Sutton,… Continue Reading
- Dubai Workshop - Jyotiṣa in Everyday Life Speaker: Pt. Sanjay Rath Dubai Workshop Schedule Friday, 4th February, 2011 AM: 9.00 – 11.45: Vedic Remedies: Gemstones & Mantra PM: 1.30 – 5.30: Image Building through Āruḍha Understanding the real power of good quality gemstones, their appropriate size and the metal to wear them in… Continue Reading
- Vedic Reading Process - SUNDAY June 27, 2010: Vedic Reading Process AM: The Preparation Listing information → Quick Panchanga, Quick Rashi, Navamsha, Drekkaṇa, Nakshatra, Quick Rashi Dasha, Udu Dasha Verification → Verification of events, which charts to see and how to do that quickly, Confirming about siblings, Checking about parents, Quick marriage, love events,… Continue Reading