Crimea: The Beginning

When we wrote about Crimea breaking from Ukraine, so many were alarmed but then this is only the beginning of a very long daśā (vedic period) of Jupiter which is involved in a battle with Mercury in the natal chart of Ukraine.
Let us say that for some reason whatever, Nikita Khrushchev had not had that whim about adding Crimea to Ukraine in the erstwhile USSR, then in 1991, Crimea would have been part of Russia. What is really happening is that the whim and fancy of some historical leaders, who sat and drew lines on maps and then advised Nikita Khrushchev to make that gift of land, is being reversed. It was a forgone conclusion that Crimea is going to be operated out of Ukraine and like any surgery, this one too is going to be a little painful. But you got to give credit to the ‘doctors’ who have performed this miraculous surgery without shedding any blood. It was excellent anesthesia – to say the least. What’s happening in the world feels like a slow dream with people saying and doing things they have to say to be politically correct. And that’s fine.

Phālguṇa Pūrṇimā: Holi

But this Sunday, 16 Mar, 2014 on Phālguṇa Pūrṇimā, when everyone in India celebrates the great festival of Holi playing colours with Kṛṣṇa, Crimea will become a part of Russia. Every Pūrṇimā indicates the spiritual power of a great guru. We have a list.

Pūrṇimā Sun Full Moon Guru’s Light
1 Vaiśākha Aries Viśākhā Buddha
2 Jyaiṣṭha Taurus Jyeṣṭha Yama Dharmarāja [Vaṭa Pūrṇimā]
3 Āsāḍha Gemini Āsāḍha Vyāsa, Mahāvira [Guru Pūrṇimā]
4 Śrāvaṇa Cancer Śrāvaṇa Viṣṇu [Rakṣa Bandana]
5 Bhādra Leo Bhadrapada Uma-Maheśvara [Madhu Pūrṇimā], Indra
6 Aśvina Virgo Aśvinī Kṛṣṇa rāsa [Śarad], Lakṣmī [Kojāgarī] or Kārtikeya [Kumāra]
7 Kārtika Libra Kṛttikā Guru Nanak, Tripura Sundarī
8 Mārgaśira Scorpio Mṛgāśiras Dattātreya
9 Pauṣa Sagittarius Puṣyā Durgā [Śākhāmbarī Pūrṇimā]
10 Magha Capricorn Magha Hari, Śrāddha Devī [Best day for donations]
11 Phālguṇa Aquarius Phālguṇī Kṛṣṇa (Holi Festival)
12 Chaitra Pisces Chitrā Hanuman, Śrī Chandra

It is very interesting to note that the great phālguṇa pūrṇimā having the power of Śrī Kṛṣṇa was chosen for the referendum in Crimea. The way I see it, people will be dancing in the streets and playing colours in Crimea on that day. Let us not forget that the Mercury-Jupiter exact conjunction shows the Bhagavat Gita, the spiritual power of the holy words of Śrī Kṛṣṇa.

EU Trigger

ukraine-divide We thought that the Berlin Wall was down and that the German people would live in peace, but looks like the rapid expansion of the European Union is being perceived by some in Europe as German expansion. Someone once said that “true freedom starts with economic freedom”. Hypothetically, if a nation becomes completely indebted to the EU and is in such a pathetic emasculated state where it has to beg for alms for survival, that too on a monthly basis, would it not be apt to say that it has lost its freedom? I don’t know – let the economists ponder this. But it is this fear that has triggered the present Crisis. This is indicated by the graha yuddha occurring in Leo, the ninth house of fortune and freedom. As such the Sun does rule wealth.

Mars is in Virgo: Mesa Rasi Kanyā aṁśa shows the logical perfectionist Germany but this can indicate other people as well. That is the trigger to the deadly piśāca bādhaka duryoga in the chart of Ukraine. It is like a ghost attack and you cannot see the enemy.

What Next?

The real problem is not about Crimea joining the Russian Federation in some form or another, but this is the beginning of the great graha yuddha of Jupiter and Mercury. Such a combination in the chart of Śrī Kṛṣṇa showed the Mahabharata war. It also showed the singing of the Bhagavat Gita just before the start of the Mahabharata. And now after all these years we have a similar situation in the chart of Ukraine. But unlike Kṛṣṇa the Moon is nowhere around and instead Mercury and Jupiter show the warring factions – Russia and Ukraine respectively, who are actually brothers – just like the Pāṇḍava and Kaurava.

The Future

This Crimea surgery from Ukraine is not the end of Ukraine’s problems. It will start a much bigger rumble inside in the years to come, starting with 2018 [Mercury antardaśā of Jupiter daśā] when some economic treaties [Mercury] will again trigger unrest. In the coming years there will be considerable social unrest in Ukraine. People will leave their homes and see so much suffering, death and disease. Does that mean another divide, the East-West language-culture divide, can split Ukraine into two parts? It can be prevented if the people realise that taking sides with foreign nations or groups is the trigger. All they have to do is talk to each other [Mercury] and stop taking sides as it causes fear in the minds of other Ukraine people.

The most peculiar feature of this entire period is that the leaders and people will not want to talk to each other [Mercury rules communication and speech]. And that can only increase the power of Rāhu leading to doubts, mistrust and division.

4 thoughts on “Crimea: The Beginning

  1. A great article, especially the “out of the box” economic thinking on Europe. Thanks for sharing Guru-ji
    I for one am quite convinced that the cost/benefit balance to any further expansion of the EU has changed both economically and politically, inside and outside the Union. The more interesting question is whether it reverses at all. Greece was a potential start to that but it did not happen. However there is another small little island that comes to mind (with serious Russian connections funnily enough)…Cyprus.
    There’s probably nothing in it, just some food for thought at this stage.

  2. Guruji,thank you for one more great article and insights
    can’t help it to notice how, interestingly,this Ukraine crises that has shaken the whole world escalated around new Moon in Aquarius…at same time when strong presence of Kali Shakti was rounded in airy signs in the sky,turned all eyes toward an island clearly holding name of her “Kriim” bija (Crimea is pronounced as kriim in Slavic languages)…may Maa bring mercy and peace on people living there

    1. Thats so right Maya. With Saturn and Jupiter in Vayu Rashi, what we are witnessing is a surge in Kali Shakti. Gradually this will change to Tara as Jupiter moves to Cancer and Saturn moves to Scorpio. But the seeds are sown in a certain period and its fruits will be the energy of that period. Its the birth chart

  3. Guruji

    Here in the graha yudha mercury would gain power and as you said somethng connected to economic sanctions would trigger something which as you said can be dangerous..For the lagna of Ukraine Mercury is the badhaka and he is placed in the 9th hosue with 9th house lord sun(govermnet) 11th house(friends) and Jupiter the lagna lord(self for ukraine) and 4th house(home)

    With the badhaka being placed in the 9th house the house of dharma mercury would against Jupiter and it would get instigated by the government ruiling and the friends who would be siding Ukraine. This as you said could lead to great oppression

    A6 is also rising which means enemity. Mercury being retrograde some karma is left over and break in communications during the conjoined period of Jup-Mer

    Correct me for any analysis which of the way

    Uma shanker achanta

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