Murdered due to Hairstyle

nido_toiI was horrified to read that a young student, a teenager kid, had died due to his hairstyle! Delhi has become a bad place, but this is the limit, the pits. People get killed every day for various reasons normally around the three W’s (wealth, women and wine or rather drugs these days) but to die due to hairstyle is unheard of, it’s the pits – shows the murky level to which our society has fallen. The planet ruling ‘hair’ is Ketu and Saturn normally indicates the dead or cut hair. Hairstyle or hair colour is definitely Ketu influenced by some other graha. Nido Tania, a first year (18-19 year old) student of Lovely Professional University, and son of Arunachal Pradesh MLA Nido Pavitra, was beaten to death by six to seven people led by a shopkeeper in New Delhi after a quarrel on January 29, 2014 at 1.30pm. Nido Tania died in AIIMS on Thursday or was brought dead.  His body had more than 40 injury marks although the Primary Pre-Medical report has ruled out death due to injuries.
A youth claiming to be Tania’s cousin alleged he saw an injury mark on his neck and his lips were torn. Let’s look at the chart of the crime chart. He was beaten with sticks and rods by the shopkeeper and his six associates and sustained several injuries including one in the neck. The quarrel began on Wednesday, when the shopkeeper of a sweet shop made fun of the hairstyle of Nido Tania, to which the youth and his friends objected. The altercation took place at a shop Rajasthan Paneer Bhandar, located at A-83 Lajpat Nagar. Some racist remarks were made at Nido Tania by the shopkeeper and his friends, after which Nido allegedly broke the glass at the shop.  Later, as Nido was walking alone in front of the shop, the shopkeeper and his friends attacked him with rods and sticks, and beat him badly.
Taurus Lagna with Venus in 8th house (danger) with the Moon in chandrāṣṭama doṣa (Maraṇa Kāraka Sthāna) showing the danger of death. Mars aspecting this chandrāṣṭama Moon indicates the trigger – a glass top of the counter was shattered by the boy when he was teased by the shop assistants for his hairstyle. Ketu in the 12th house (final end) is aspected by Mars bringing in piśāca doṣa of sorts. Mars and Ketu jointly influencing the 8th or 12th house in rāśi chart can show danger of death. Enemy is in the 6th house – Libra showing the Market Place. Saturn shows a servant i.e. the shop assistant who is aided by many ‘Rāhu’. Some astrologers would say that this combination can indicate people of a different religious community as well. The malefic planets aspecting the chandrāṣṭama (intention of giving death) are Mars and Saturn showing that metal rods were used like a spear and sticks (clubs- Saturn).

The local police was called in, who took Nido Tania to the police station, and later released him, after the youth paid a fine of ₹ 7 or 10,000 as compensation. Jyotiṣa: Ketu which is placed in the 12th bhāva (expenses, losses) aspected by 12th Lord Mars by graha dṛṣṭi. Chandrāṣṭama with the lagneśa indicates instant death. Nido did leave the venue seeming fine but when he slept, he never woke up. He was admitted to AIIMS the next day when his roommates discovered that he was not awakening till 2.00pm. His heart was not beating. They took him to AIIMS but was declared dead.

3 thoughts on “Murdered due to Hairstyle

  1. sir,
    i think its high time in schools/college/corporate offices make moral values compulsory to improve ones tolerance level, mind your own business thinking etc. give graduation only when child/boy/girl fares well in moral values and Emotional quotient (EQ) is strong enough atleast 5 to 7 out of 10 is enough. if found less send for rehabilitation/counseling/yoga etc


  2. Dear sir,
    I did not get chart described for data indicated on web page.To me chart appears for 3:36 Am on date.29 January 2014.?
    where is mistake?
    BTW description is excellent for chart exhibited and method of analysis is educative otherwise.

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