Śrī Bhairava (Kāla) - Bhairava represents Śiva as Kāla rūpa (time). From the guṇa viewpoint this काल Kāla क (ka) prajāpati, आ (ā vāsudeva) and ल (la laya). But from the vāra viewpoint, Bhairava expands into the eight directions of the kālachakra. The first represents time unrestricted, and the remaining seven are the energy… Continue Reading
Rani Rāśmani Jātaka - After the praśna we were able to get the rāśi and some varga charts of Rani Rāśmani Das of Kolkata. She was born on 28th Sept. 1793, at Koṇa village, Bengal, India. Pañcāṅga: Bhādra kṛṣṇa navamī (K9 Su), Saturday. As per praśna we have chosen the jala lagna Mīna (Pi)… Continue Reading
- Ranī Rāśmani #1 - I was working on the koṭa chakra when there was a strong desire to see the chart of Rani Rāśmani. Born on 28th Sept. 1793, at Koṇa village, Bengal, India. Presently the village is renamed Hālīsahar (88°25’06” E, 22°55’55” N) and is located in 24 North Parganas, West Bengal. Naṣṭa… Continue Reading
Añjanā - अञ्जना (Añjanā) is the mother of Hanuman, and during the रामायण (Rāmāyaṇa), She was a resident of किष्किन्ध (Kiṣkindhā). But that was not Her eternal abode. In reality, She is the beautiful अप्सरस् (apsaras) named पुञ्जिकस्थला (puñjikasthalā) in Svarga loka. Apsaras The word अप्सरस् [ap-saras] means "going in the waters… Continue Reading
Animal Signs - Study of animal and birds as a method of deciphering omens is as ancient as the science of jyotiṣa called ‘nimitta śāstra’. The jyotiṣa of Oḍiśā studied the flight of the vulture to declare whether the king and army should proceed to battle or choose another opportune time. पल्ली (palli)… Continue Reading
Subhadrā » Ekānaṁśā - एकानंशा ekānaṁśā devī is a very ancient name of Subhadrā. Śrī Vasudeva (father of Kṛṣṇa) was first married to Rohiṇī (first wife) before his marriage with Devakī, the sister of Kaṅsa. Although in the captivity of Kaṅsa, he would secretly visit Rohiṇī, and Balarama was born before the advent of… Continue Reading
Subhadrā » Chitrā - She is the goddess of the nakṣatra. There are two nakṣatra maṇḍala The mundane saṅsāra nakṣatra maṇḍala of 27 mansions each measuring 13°20’ The spiritual saṅnyāsa nakṣatra maṇḍala of 28 mansions each measuring the same 13°20’ except for three stars. The 21st nakṣatra Uttara āsāḍha in Sagittarius gives its last… Continue Reading
Subhadrā - सुभद्रा Subhadrā is one of the principal goddesses of Hinduism and has many incarnations and forms. Very little is spoken about her except that she is always remembered as the spouse of Arjuna, the mighty Pandava. She is seen as the favorite child of Maharaja Vasudeva and younger sister of… Continue Reading
Shitala Devi - Śītalā Devī (शीतला) » Like all other manifestations of the earth mother, Śītalā is an incarnation of Goddess Parvati. To deal with Mars related problems, Parvati manifests on ṣaṣṭi tithi (S6 tithi). For example, when the Sun is in Virgo or Pisces during navarātri, She is Skanda mātā, the mother… Continue Reading
Viṣṇu aṣṭa nāma - Viṣṇu aṣṭa nāma are the auspicious eight names of Viṣṇu for overcoming the blockages and weaknesses and passing the tests of life in the eight directions of success. There are areas of life called bhāva in jyotiṣa, that are always checked by Viṣṇu for sattva guṇa. If they fail the… Continue Reading
Spirit Beings and the akṣara - Akṣara Beings Graha Durgā » Aṣṭa Mātṛkā (सारदा तिलक)* अ A-varga deva Sun ब्राह्मी 1 Brāhmī क ka-varga daitya Mars माहेश्वरी 3 Māheśvarī च ca-varga nāga Ven कौमारी 6 Kaumarī ट ṭa-varga gandharva Mer वैष्णवी 12 Vaiṣṇavī त ta-varga ṛṣi Jup इन्द्राणी 13 Aindrī प pa-varga rākṣasa Sat वाराही 7… Continue Reading
Nakṣatra Yoga (Donations) - Extracts from Mahābhārata Anuśāsana Parva, Chapter 64 It is ordained in the Purāṇas that almsgiving on each star or day will be rewarded with attainments. This is called Nakṣatra Yoga. The Nakṣatra Yoga of each star is as follows - Aśvayuk: Those who give horses and chariots as alms on… Continue Reading
Kumara Purnima - For the people of Puri the most important festival of Kumara Purnima is celebrated in Ashvina Purnima as the day of enlightenment of Sri Kartikeya » becomes Kumara Kartikeya, the great teacher and Guru of Maharsi Pippalada. This Purima gives Lagna suddhi. Women celebrate this to get good and handsome… Continue Reading
Sri Rudra’s Krishna Mantra - Rudra kṛta Kṛṣṇa Mantra ॥ श्रीकृष्णस्य सप्तदशाक्षरो मन्त्रः॥ || śrīkṛṣṇasya saptadaśākṣaro mantraḥ || श्रीगणेशाय नमः। śrīgaṇeśāya namaḥ | महादेव उवाचः। mahādeva uvācaḥ | Śrī Mahādeva spoke ॐ श्रीं नमः श्रीकृष्णाय परिपूर्णतमाय च। मन्त्रेषु मन्त्रराजोऽयं महान् सप्तदशाक्षरः॥ १॥ om śrīṁ namaḥ śrīkṛṣṇāya paripūrṇatamāya ca | mantreṣu mantrarājo'yaṁ mahān saptadaśākṣaraḥ || 1||… Continue Reading
Sri Narasimha -Mars - Lord Narasimha symbolises the exaltation energy of Mars. He gives the power to work, brilliance, strength, tireless effort, courage, fearlessness and brahmacarya as well. People under the influence of Mars including – 1. Mars in Lagna or aspecting Lagna 2. Mars daśā 3. Mars afflicting daśā lord 4. Court case… Continue Reading
Sapta Sloki Gita - Saptasloki gītā refers to seven śloka of the Bhagavat gītā considered most auspicious. These śloka map directly to seven weekday planets which related to about birth and karma. The first śloka is for the Sun, second for Moon and so on till the seventh for Saturn. One who recites these… Continue Reading
Bondage Freedom - Ketu as the mokṣa-karaka is the giver of emancipation of every kind. Most astrologers only look at the spiritual aspect of freedom from rebirth, which truly is the penultimate goal. But there are many types of bondages and one seeks freedom from these or protection from it. Something like jail… Continue Reading
Age of Śaktī - Moon represents Ambikā who manifests as Durgā and all the śaktī of the various devatā. She is the bindu which gives life to every akṣara. If the akṣara represent the deva having the power to enlighten, their very existence and identity depends on the soma-rasa (milk of kindness) they receive… Continue Reading
Om Hrīm Ritam Mantra - Om Hrīm Ritam By Swami Vivekananda This is a Sanskrit hymn to Sri Ramakrishna, composed by Swami Vivekananda. The brilliance of Swami Vivekananda is seen in providing us with the three vital mantra for praying to Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa. Such a stotra which has a mantra hidden inside is called… Continue Reading
Multiple Hanuman Jayanti - In Sanskrit he is more appropriately called हनुमत् (hanumat) which means “one having mighty jaws” indicating the power to bite and hold on to the task – a symbol of determination. He is vānara (monkey) and one of the most celebrated of a host of divine ape-like beings, created by… Continue Reading
Graha Puraścaraṇa Prayogaḥ - साधुसंकुलि तन्त्र॥ These prayers are from the sādhusaṁkuli tantra and are titled ग्रहपुरश्चरण प्रयोगः (grahapuraścaraṇa prayogaḥ) Sun ॐ रक्तपद्मासनं देवं चतुर्बाहुसमन्वितम् । क्षत्रियं रक्तवर्नञच गोत्रं काश्यपसम्भवं॥ सप्ताश्वरथमारूढं प्रचण्डं सर्वसिद्धिदम् । द्विभुजं रक्तपद्मैश्च संयुक्तं प्र्माद्भुतं॥ कलिञगदेशजं देवं मौलिमाणिक्यभूषणम् । त्रिनेत्रं तेजसा पूर्णमुदयाचलसंस्थितं॥ द्वादशाञगुल-विस्तीर्णं प्रबरं घृतकौशिकम् । शिवाधिदैवं पुर्वास्यं ब्रह्मप्रत्यधिदैवतं॥ om raktapadmāsanaṁ… Continue Reading
Various Ganesha Mantra - Various Bija Mantra for Ganesha. Note that the dhyana bija is the second syllable like गं (gaṁ) or गः (gaḥ). Continue Reading
Guru Vandanā - A childhood habit that has always stood the test of time, is the Guru Vandana. This was learnt at a young age and one does not need any ritual, time nor place to recite it. However, we have done this everyday - loudly when younger and silently when older. Hope… Continue Reading
Rādhikā Mantra - Radha (Sanskrit: राधा, Rādhā), also called Rādhikā, Radharani and Radhika-rani, is almost always depicted alongside Krishna and features prominently within the theology of today's Vallabha, Utkaliya and Gaudiya Vaishnava sects, which regards Radha as the original Goddess or Shakti. Radha is also the principal god of worship in the Nimbarka… Continue Reading
Śiva Sahasranāma - Perhaps the most revered of the prayers to Lord Śiva, the Śiva Sahasra nāma has the power to remove every malefic aspect or blockage on Bṛhaspati, represented by Jupiter in vedic astrology. There are a number of variations of the Shiva sahasranāma in the ancient texts (about 18 scriptures). Continue Reading
Gāyatrī Mantras - Gāyatrī is a chandas, a vedic meter, designed with 24 syllables (phonemes) and having three pada (feet) each having eight syllables. This conception of gāyatrī is based on (a) the standard mantra pada which is of eight syllables called aṣṭākṣarī. This is the simplest form of the mantra-pada. स-स-व-द प-र-र-ज… Continue Reading
16 Bosepara Lane - Sister’s House – 16 Bosepara Lane This article deals with the pages of history to find out why Calcutta’s 16 Bosepara Lane has been declared a Heritage Building. “My home is, in my eyes, charming” writes the illustrious resident of 16, Bosepara lane, Calcutta at the dawn of the last… Continue Reading
Nārāyaṇa Kavacha Part-1 - In the Bhagavat Gita, Kṛṣṇa reveals His universal form (Viśvarūpa) to Arjuna which was so formidable for the great hero to even behold. Therefore, before jumping to worship Viśvarūpa, we need to see the teachings in the Śrīmad Bhagavataṁ. Bear in mind that the Viṣṇu avatāra are sustainer of things… Continue Reading
Bagalāmukhī Yuddha Mantra - ॥प्रार्थना॥ दुश्टस्थम्बनमुग्रविन्घ शमनं दरिद्यविद्रवनं विग्नैघं बगले हर प्रतिदिनं कल्यणि तुभ्यम् नमः। कञ्चन पीठनिविष्टं मुनिवरसादरघूर्नितप्रभं करुणपूरितनयं श्रीबगलपीतम्बरां वन्दे॥ |prārthanā|| duśṭasthambanamugravingha śamanaṁ daridyavidravanaṁ vignaighaṁ bagale hara pratidinaṁ kalyaṇi tubhyam namaḥ| kañcana pīṭhaniviṣṭaṁ munivarasādaraghūrnitaprabhaṁ karuṇapūritanayaṁ śrībagalapītambarāṁ vande|| ॥ध्यानं॥ मध्ये सुदाब्धिमणिमण्डपरत्नवेद्यं सिम्हासनोपरिगतां परिपीतवर्णं। पीताम्बरभरणमाल्यविभूषितांगीं देविं स्मरामि धृतमुद्गरवैरिजिह्वं॥ ||dhyānaṁ|| madhye sudābdhimaṇimaṇḍaparatnavedyaṁ simhāsanoparigatāṁ paripītavarṇaṁ| pītāmbarabharaṇamālyavibhūṣitāṁgīṁ deviṁ… Continue Reading
Pañca Sakhā - The five Mahāpuruṣa of Orissa are the initiators of the lineages. Our lineage of Vedic astrology comes from the holy feet of Sri Achyutananda. अच्युताय नमस्तुभ्यं गुरवे परमात्मने। सर्वतन्त्रस्वतन्त्राय चिद्घनानन्दमूर्तये॥ acyutāya namastubhyaṁ gurave paramātmane | sarvatantrasvatantrāya cidghanānandamūrtaye || Pancha Mahapurusha of Orissa ... Pancha means five and sakha means friends… Continue Reading
- Nineteen Mantras for Brihaspati - The Ṛk Veda gives nineteen ṛk (prayers) in two hymns for Bṛhaspati (devatā) also referred to as Brāhmaṇaspati and Gaṇapati. When using aṣṭottari daśā each of these ṛk are recited for one year of the daśā. These are from the second mandala hymn 24 and 25 although the version of… Continue Reading
Wisdom of our tradition - This article is in continuation of a series on Das Avatara. Please read (1) Avatāra and (2) Dasa avatāra Overview before this article to get a complete picture. We have shown the wisdom of our tradition in explaining that there is no real controversy about the list of dasa-avatāra and… Continue Reading
Dasa avatāra Overview - Dasa avatāra or ten incarnations Any list of ten incarnations can be made from the lists of various avatāra of Viṣṇu indicated above. However for identifying the ten principal avatāra of Viṣṇu symbolizing the highest potentate of the ten variables of Jyotiṣa (navagraha and lagna), we need to ensure that… Continue Reading
Avatāra - Avatāra The Sanskrit word avatāraḥ is derived from ava meaning ‘down’ or descent and tarati meaning ‘crossing over or tiding over’ and refers to the deliberate descent of a deity, immortal being or the Supreme Being from heaven (normally Viṣṇu) for specific purpose(s). Continue Reading
Maha Mrtyunjaya Mantra - Introduction Mṛtyuṅjaya literally means 'Victory over Death' and Mahā-mṛtyuṅjaya mantra is also called- Mahā-mokṣa mantra as it gives the ultimate enlightenment. Continue Reading
- Krishna Astakam - By Adi Sankaracharya Bhagavatpada भजे व्रजैकमण्डनं समस्तपापखण्डनं स्वभक्तचित्तरंजनं सदैव नन्दनन्दनम्। सुपिच्छगुच्छमस्तकं सुनादवेणुहस्तकं अनंगरंगसागरं नमामि कृष्णनागरम्॥ १॥ bhaje vrajaikamaṇḍanaṁ samastapāpakhaṇḍanaṁ svabhaktacittaraṁjanaṁ sadaiva nandanandanam | supicchagucchamastakaṁ sunādaveṇuhastakaṁ anaṁgaraṁgasāgaraṁ namāmi kṛṣṇanāgaram || 1|| मनोजगर्वमोचनं विशाललोललोचनं विधूतगोपशोचनं नमामि पद्मलोचनम्। करारविन्दभूधरं स्मितावलोकसुन्दरं महेन्द्रमानदारणं नमामि कृष्णावारणम्॥ २॥ manojagarvamocanaṁ viśālalolalocanaṁ vidhūtagopaśocanaṁ namāmi padmalocanam | karāravindabhūdharaṁ smitāvalokasundaraṁ mahendramānadāraṇaṁ… Continue Reading
- Shiva Tandava Stotra - Śiva Tāṇḍava Stotra of Rāvaṇa. This was the stotra which he recited to obtain the Vaidyanātha Jyotirliñga (a.k.a Baijnāth). Rāvaṇa would have become immortal if that jyotirliñga had reached Śrī Lanka. This is the teaching he gave to attain mokṣa finally at the hands of Lord Rāma. This stotra must… Continue Reading
Sapta Loka & Tala - SJC USA Annual Conference, 2003 | Venue: West Coast, San Jose, CA, USA Date: August 20, 2003 There were three handouts and CDs for this workshop. Please feel free to download everything that I share today on Janmastami - in the sweet memory of my Lord Jagannāth Mahāprabhu CD01: Various… Continue Reading
- Sri Annapurna - श्री अन्नपूर्णास्तोत्रम् śrī annapūrṇāstotram नित्यानन्दकरी वराभयकरी सौन्दर्यरत्नाकरी निर्धूताखिलघोरपावनकरी प्रत्यक्षमाहेश्वरी। प्रालेयाचलवंशपावनकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी भिक्षां देहि कृपावलम्बनकरी माताऽन्नपूर्णेश्वरी॥ १॥ nityānandakarī varābhayakarī saundaryaratnākarī nirdhūtākhilaghorapāvanakarī pratyakṣamāheśvarī | prāleyācalavaṁśapāvanakarī kāśīpurādhīśvarī bhikṣāṁ dehi kṛpāvalambanakarī mātā'nnapūrṇeśvarī || 1|| नानारत्नविचित्रभूषणकरी हेमाम्बराडम्बरी मुक्ताहारविलम्बमान विलसत् वक्षोजकुम्भान्तरी। काश्मीरागरुवासिता रुचिकरी काशीपुराधीश्वरी भिक्षां देहि कृपावलम्बनकरी माताऽन्नपूर्णेश्वरी॥ २॥ nānāratnavicitrabhūṣaṇakarī hemāmbarāḍambarī muktāhāravilambamāna vilasat vakṣojakumbhāntarī | kāśmīrāgaruvāsitā… Continue Reading
- Varuṇa: Guardian of West - Varuna (Sanskrit वरुण varuṇa) is the god of water and is always worshipped in a kalasha (water vessel) with the jala bija वं (vaṁ). When the day is divided into two halves (horā) being the daytime and night time, then the two āditya presiding over these halves are Indra (day,… Continue Reading
- Tirupati Vyaṇkaṭeśvara - Tirumala Venkateswara Temple, is a famous Hindu temple located in the hill town Tirumala, near Tirupati in the Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh, India. Tirumala is a hill town in Chittoor district in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India. Tirumala, dedicated to Lord Vishnu, is one of the most popular… Continue Reading
Ganesh Vidya Yantra - The Ganesha yantra is drawn based on the teachings of Sri Narada in the 'Ganesha dvadasanama stotra'. The twelve petal lotus is symbolic of the heart lotus and the door of this heart lotus is guarded by Ganesha. Continue Reading
Ucchista Ganesha - This is the dancing form of Ganesha and the meditation etc, visualize Ganesha in a rather jovial, compromising mood. Ucchista Ganesha is worshiped to remove domestic disharmony and the relationship with spouse is improved. All sorts of troubles with in-laws etc vanish and the family gets together and lives happily.… Continue Reading
Ganesha Mantras - Beejakshara mantra Sri Ganapati is the elephant headed son of Sri Shiva, belonging to the divine family that delivers the soul from darkness and sin, the specific function of Sri Ganapati is to teach and drive away ignorance (avidhya). He is represented by Ketu, the significator of emancipation from all… Continue Reading
- Rāma Rahasya Upaṇiṣad - Contributed by Sarbani Rath Ekākṣarādi Mantra Tārkṣa सनकाद्या मुनयो हनूमन्तं पप्रच्छुः। आञ्जनेय महाबल तारकब्रह्मणो रामचन्द्रस्य मन्त्रग्रामं नो ब्रूहीति। sanakādyā munayo hanūmantaṁ papracchuḥ | āñjaneya mahābala tārakabrahmaṇo rāmacandrasya mantragrāmaṁ no brūhīti | Translation: The saints headed by Sanaka again asked Hanūman: “Son of Āñjani of greatest strength, please speak the collection… Continue Reading
- Ganapati – Rig Veda - Ṛk Veda Maṇḍala 2, Hymn 24, Śloka 1 गणानां त्वा गणपतिं हवामहे कविं कवीनामुपमश्रवस्तमम्। ज्येष्ठराजं ब्रह्मणां ब्रह्मणस् पत आ नः षृण्वन्नूतिभिः सीद सादनम्॥ gaṇānāṁ tvā gaṇapatiṁ havāmahe kaviṁ kavīnāmupamaśravastamam| jyeṣṭharājaṁ brahmaṇāṁ brahmaṇas pata ā naḥ ṣṛṇvannūtibhiḥ sīda sādanam || Try saying each word group 12 times ...8 groups || Then… Continue Reading
- Forgiveness Prayer - Instruction: This is to be recited 1 (one) times while bowing to Lord Śiva. Continue Reading
- Gopāla Mantra - Viniyoga: ॐ अस्य श्री गोपाल मन्त्रस्य नारद ऋषि विराट् छन्दस् गोपाल-कृष्ण देवत काम बीज स्वाहा शक्ति ममाभीष्ट सिद्धये जपे विनियोगः om asya śrī gopāla mantrasya nārada ṛṣi virāṭ chandas gopāla-kṛṣṇa devata kāma bīja svāhā śakti mamābhīṣṭa siddhaye jape viniyogaḥ Mantra: गोपिजनवल्लभाय स्वाहा gopijanavallabhāya svāhā Lupta bīja: Hidden i.e. Continue Reading
Sri Somanath Jyotirlinga - सोमनाथ ध्यान | somanātha dhyāna ध्यायेत् महेश्वरं देवं स्वेतवर्णं चतुर्भुजं त्रिशूलं डम्बरुं चैव खट्वाङ्गभे कपालजम्। करेर्ददानं वरदं नागयज्ञोपवीतिनम् भस्माभूषित सर्वाङ्गं पञ्चवक्त्रं त्रिलोचनम्॥ गिरिशं त्वं वृषारूढं शिवं त्वं सोमनाथं॥ dhyāyet maheśvaraṁ devaṁ svetavarṇaṁ caturbhujaṁ triśūlaṁ ḍambaruṁ caiva khaṭvāṅgabhe kapālajam| karerdadānaṁ varadaṁ nāgayajñopavītinam bhasmābhūṣita sarvāṅgaṁ pañcavaktraṁ trilocanam|| giriśaṁ tvaṁ vṛṣārūḍhaṁ śivaṁ tvaṁ… Continue Reading
- Śrī Akṣobhya - The word akṣobhya means immovable or imperturbable and is the opposite of kṣobha which means shaking, agitation and disturbance, tossing, trembling or emotional. Thus akṣobhya refers to that state of perfect calmness achieved as a result of perfect knowledge. Ṣaḍākṣarī Mantra In the Buddhist tradition, he is one of the… Continue Reading
- Agni: The holy fire - Sri Agni is the adhidevata of the Sun and is the most revered deity of the agnihotri's and brahmins of the vedic period. He has two wives named 'Svaha' and 'Svadha' who carry the offerings made by the devotees into the holoy fire (Agni devata) to the Gods and manes… Continue Reading
Garuḍa Mṛtyu Rakṣa - The Garuḍa Purāṇa lists some garuḍa-mṛtyu-rakṣa mantra in the following śloka. ॐ अमृतेश्वर ॐ भैरवाय नमः। एवं ॐ जुं हंसः सूर्याय नमः॥ १।१८।१९॥ om amṛteśvara om bhairavāya namaḥ | evaṁ om juṁ haṁsaḥ sūryāya namaḥ || 1|18|19 || Step-1: The first step to strengthen the Lagna with the first mantra. Continue Reading
Spirituality in Jyotish - The heart lotus - basics of spirituality and aṣṭamaṅgalam; Also Iṣṭa devatā, pālana devatā and Guru devatā. Not concerning ourselves with the inanimate world, let us focus on the living beings, and that too the human being and spirituality. The aṣṭadala padma (eight-petal lotus) is the foundation of Hindu philosophy.… Continue Reading
- Atmakaraka II: Bhagavat Gita - Continued from Ātmakāraka I Bhagavat Gītā: A few years ago when we were asked about the standard books for studying Jyotisa, the Bhagavat Gītā, Bṛhat Parāśara horā śāstra and Maharṣi Jaimini’s upadeśa sutra were recommended as the foundation. Continue Reading
- About Pundits - Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa Said Mere pundits are like diseased fruit that becomes hard and will not ripen at all. Such fruit has neither the freshness of green fruit nor the flavour of ripe. Vultures soar very high in the sky, but their eyes are fixed on rotten carrion on the… Continue Reading
Kamalā Vidyā - Kamalātmikā of golden complexion and perfectly proportioned, is bathed by four elephants from the four directions (kendra) using amṛta kalaśa. Amṛta (nectar) constantly flows from kalaśa (jars) and nourishes the rivers and beings of the universe. She has four hands. In the two hind hands, she holds two lotuses and… Continue Reading
Chinnamastā - Introduction Chhinnamasta (Sanskrit: छिन्नमस्ता, Chinnamastā, "She whose head is severed"), often spelled Chinnamasta and also called Chhinnamastika and Prachanda Chandika, is one of the Mahavidyas, ten Tantric goddesses and a ferocious aspect of Devi, the Hindu Divine Mother. Chhinnamasta can be easily identified by her fearsome iconography. The self-decapitated goddess… Continue Reading
- Brihaspati Mantras - ऋग्वेद मन्त्र | ṛgveda mantra Viśvāmitra Ṛṣi, Gāyatrī Chhand, Bṛhaspati Devatā वृषभं चर्षणीनां विश्वरूपमदाभ्यम्। बृहस्पतिंवरेण्यम्॥ ३।६२।६ vṛṣabhaṁ carṣaṇīnāṁ viśvarūpamadābhyam| bṛhaspatiṁvareṇyam|| 3|62|6 Translation: O Great Men! We sing the praise of Bṛhaspati (the preceptor of the Gods) for the joy of learning and for success in all our good actions. He… Continue Reading
- Dharma – Marriage - "Dharma is the foundation of marriage" Sanjay Rath (Feb 2000) Lecture delivered at the Brahman Sabha, Haryana, 2001. Bhagavan Sri Krishna teaches that the first signs of the fall in Dharma is the corruption of women: Extract from: Bhagavat Gita-As it is by Srila Prabhupada अधर्माभिभवात्कृष्ण प्रदुष्यन्ति कुलस्त्रियः। स्त्रीषु दुष्टासु… Continue Reading
Gaurī mantra - Six akṣara Gourī mantra – Agni Purāṇa ॐ ह्रीं गौर्यै नमः। om hrīṁ gauryai namaḥ Śaktī Shrines of Orissa Adi Śaktī Tārā Tārini Hill Shrine (stana pīṭha – breasts of the Goddess) – Purnagiri, Ganjam District Ambikā - Baripada Baralā Devī - Kandhmal Bhadrakālī - Bhadrak Bhagavati – Banpur, Sonepur… Continue Reading
- Tripurā devī - Tripurā devī is associated with Mercury. The seventh bhāva from the signs of Mercury are owned by Jupiter Tripurā devī and is worshipped on Thursdays instead of Wednesdays (Mercury). Tripura hṛdaya is the three syllables ऐं क्लीं सौः (aiṁ klīṁ sauḥ) and the Agni Purāṇa recommends Her worship with these… Continue Reading
- Vedic Gaṇeśa Mantra - Ṛk Veda | Maṇḍala II, Hymn 23 गणानां त्वा गणपतिं हवामहे कविं कवीनामुपमश्रवस्तमम्। ज्येष्ठराजं ब्रह्मणां ब्रह्मणस्पत आ नः शृण्वन्नूतिभिः सीद सादनम्॥ २.०२३.०१ gaṇānāṁ tvā gaṇapatiṁ havāmahe kaviṁ kavīnāmupamaśravastamam | jyeṣṭharājaṁ brahmaṇāṁ brahmaṇaspata ā naḥ śṛṇvannūtibhiḥ sīda sādanam || 2.023.01 देवाश्चित्ते असुर्य प्रचेतसो बृहस्पते यज्ञियं भागमानशुः। उस्रा इव सूर्यो ज्योतिषा महो… Continue Reading
- Bhavāni Aṣṭakam - ॥ भवान्यष्टकम्॥ || bhavānyaṣṭakam || न तातो न माता न बन्धुर्न दाता न पुत्रो न पुत्री न भृत्यो न भर्ता। न जाया न विद्या न वृत्तिर्ममैव गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि॥ १॥ na tāto na mātā na bandhurna dātā na putro na putrī na bhṛtyo na bhartā | na jāyā na… Continue Reading
Tārā Tārinī: Breast of Sati - The tradition of Shakti worship in India can be traced back to the period of antiquity. Shakti is the mother of Universe the highest primal power transferred to powerful Goddess representing the creative force, Matrika, later developed to Shakti or Prakriti under various names of Sati or Devi (Durga /… Continue Reading
- Avatārāvān Nṛsiṁha Mantra - This is the powerful 99 syllable mantra of the das avatāra with Śrī Narasiṁha deva as the principal deity (Iṣṭa devatā). Continue Reading
- Two birds with one transit stone - Swami Bhimananda in police custody NEW DELHI: Delhi Police today invoked provisions under Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act (MCOCA) against self-styled Godman Swami Bhimananda, 39, who was arrested last week for allegedly running a sex racket in the city. ''The police has invoked the provisions of MCOCA against Shiv… Continue Reading
- Gurumā Nirvāṇa - Newspaper Reports on the nirvana (passing, moksha) of Gurumā Pravrajika Shraddhaprana Mataji Kolkata, Feb 3 (IANS) Sri Sarada Math and Ramakrishna Sarada Mission president Pravrajika Shraddhaprana Mataji died at Dakshineswar Tuesday after being indisposed for three months. She was 90.Mission sources said Shraddhaprana was suffering from severe gastro-intestinal problems since… Continue Reading
- Swami Vivekananda’s Passing - A New Finding by Chandrashekhar Chattopadhyay (Translated from Bengali by Swami Chetanananda) 4th July 1902 was a memorable day. Swami Vivekananda, a great prophet of modern India, passed away at about 9:00 pm while he was in meditation. The flame of his life-lamp, which brightened the spiritual world, suddenly blew… Continue Reading
- Sri Jayendra Saraswati - DOB: 18th July 1935 TOB: 07:00 PM IST POB: Irul Nekki (10 N 42)(79 E 26) The Horoscope Above is the chart of His Holiness the Sankaracharya of Kanchi Kamakoti peetham. Capricorn rises with a powerful Saturn & Moon conjunction in the second house. This combination in the 4th, 10th… Continue Reading
- Omnipresent Jagannāth - There are no shortcuts, no simple roads, no crash courses nor any magicians tricks for those who seek the true light of God and Jyotish is the means for the blind souls to find some direction in this otherwise dark world. I found myself confronted with the thought that if… Continue Reading