Rani Rāśmani Jātaka - After the praśna we were able to get the rāśi and some varga charts of Rani Rāśmani Das of Kolkata. She was born on 28th Sept. 1793, at Koṇa village, Bengal, India. Pañcāṅga: Bhādra kṛṣṇa navamī (K9 Su), Saturday. As per praśna we have chosen the jala lagna Mīna (Pi)… Continue Reading
- Ranī Rāśmani #1 - I was working on the koṭa chakra when there was a strong desire to see the chart of Rani Rāśmani. Born on 28th Sept. 1793, at Koṇa village, Bengal, India. Presently the village is renamed Hālīsahar (88°25’06” E, 22°55’55” N) and is located in 24 North Parganas, West Bengal. Naṣṭa… Continue Reading
Narendra Modi Gov-II 2019 - Part-1 With a lot of fanfare, just like the previous time the Narendra Modi government was sworn in for the second time at sunset (Rudra gāyatrī muhūrta) on Thursday, 30 May 2019. Narendra Modi has just been returned to power with a huge majority in the Public Assembly (Lok Sabha)… Continue Reading
Narendra Modi 2014 Chart - The swearing in chart of any government is very important to know not only what is happening during its 5 year term but also no its return to power. The Modi government took oath and came to power on 26th may 2014 no at 6.11 PM, New Delhi. Tulā Lagna… Continue Reading
Priyanka Chopra - Born on 18 July 1982 at 30 minutes past midnight at Jamshedpur India, Priyanka Chopra has an Aries ascendant with lagnesh Mars in the 6th house upachaya. The conjunction of the ascendant and 10th House lords makes her very independent and enterprising. Two powerful malefics in the 6th house makes… Continue Reading
Dr. Rajendra Prasad - Birth and Education Rajendra Prasad was born to Mahadev Sahai and Kamleshwari Devi at Ziradei, in the Siwan district of Bihar (26°14′10″ N, 84°14′53″E) on December 3, 1884. He was the youngest child of his parents. Although the arudha lagna is in Aries, the opposite sign Libra is stronger with… Continue Reading
Super-Star Rajesh Khanna - In an era long before this internet age, Rajesh Khanna was the man who sparked a frenzy never seen before and never since, not even by the likes of Amitabh Bachchan. In the 1970s his very name was a magical charm that sparked hysteria, particularly amongst his legions of women… Continue Reading
Kejriwal Government II - Following a landslide victory of 67 seats of the 70 assembly seats in the Delhi Government, Arvind Kejriwal took the oath of office on Saturday, the 14th February, 2015 at 12:15’ PM IST at the Ramlila Grounds that accommodates more than 100,000 people. Unlike all other politicians who have followed… Continue Reading
Kiran Bedi Next CM - I am not any BJP member or supporter as in principle I am not inclined to politics or politicians. If I had my way, it would be Ram Rājya with just one divine incarnation ruling the land for life and there would be no need for any corruption of any… Continue Reading
Rāhu is PM Maker - The Amātyakāraka (AmK) is the ‘Minister’ in a nativity's chessboard called aṣṭa-charakāraka which controls his career and the expansion of his soul in this domain of mundane life. Rāhu is the most important planet for politicians and anyone having Rāhu as amātyakāraka or associating with the AmK is definitely blessed… Continue Reading
Reeva Steenkamp Murder - In today’s day and age, there is nothing like a good PR team to clean up your mess. People with money and access will get away with many things including murder, and that is the single biggest blow to democracy, because money talks a language of its own that can… Continue Reading
Oscar Pistorius - On 22 Nov 1986 Oscar Carl was born to Henk and Sheila Pistorius in Sandton, Johannesburg at about 10:30 am when Makara was rising with lagneśa Saturn in the bādhaka rāśi with the 8th lord Sun and having Rāhu dṛṣṭi indicating strong pitṛs doṣa. Net result of all that: he… Continue Reading
Kejriwal Kollapse - Arvind Kejriwal took oath as the 7th Chief Minister of Delhi on 28 December, 2013 at 11:59’am in the open field ‘Ram Lila maidan’ in New Delhi. All astrologers in various forums were flabbergasted at the terrible muhurta chosen by the first AAP government with the Moon, Rāhu and Saturn… Continue Reading
Arvind Kejriwal - Nowhere in recent history has anyone shaken the establishment more than this man who started life in a middle class family of good ideals as the son of Gobind Ram Kejriwal and Gita Devi, a well-educated and financially well-off couple. The exalted Moon in Lagna promises a good childhood. Further,… Continue Reading
Gaṇḍānta Y.S.Rajasekhara Reddy - Details about the chart can be read in a previous issue of the Jyotish Digest. In the chart of Y. Rajasekhara Reddy (YSR), Moon is in Mūla gaṇḍānta in the 12th bhāva. The exact position of the Moon at 1°28’ is just outside the Abhukta mūla range of 0°50’ indicating… Continue Reading
Barrack Obama - In the chart of Barrack Obama, the Moon is in its exaltation sign in Taurus while Jupiter is in its debility sign in Capricorn. Moon in the 5th house gives many friends (dṛṣṭi 11H of friends), popularity and being in exaltation it gives great success and fame. Continue Reading
Elizabeth Taylor Dies - Elizabeth taylor died on 23 March 2011 at 1.28' am PST at Los Angeles, CA. The death of actress Elizabeth Taylor on Wednesday marked the passing of another era, according to local film historian Robert Holladay. "As far as I'm concerned, she's the last of the movie stars," said Holladay,… Continue Reading
Franklin Delano Roosevelt - FDR fireside chat March 1933 Introduction: Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945) was the 32nd President of the United Sates of America. FDR was born in Hyde Park, New York at “Springwood”, his family’s country estate. He was related to the President Theodore Roosevelt. His aristocracy is easily seen from the rising… Continue Reading
- Two birds with one transit stone - Swami Bhimananda in police custody NEW DELHI: Delhi Police today invoked provisions under Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act (MCOCA) against self-styled Godman Swami Bhimananda, 39, who was arrested last week for allegedly running a sex racket in the city. ''The police has invoked the provisions of MCOCA against Shiv… Continue Reading
- Gurumā Nirvāṇa - Newspaper Reports on the nirvana (passing, moksha) of Gurumā Pravrajika Shraddhaprana Mataji Kolkata, Feb 3 (IANS) Sri Sarada Math and Ramakrishna Sarada Mission president Pravrajika Shraddhaprana Mataji died at Dakshineswar Tuesday after being indisposed for three months. She was 90.Mission sources said Shraddhaprana was suffering from severe gastro-intestinal problems since… Continue Reading
- Orissa Elections - Recently a senior Lok Sabha MP from Orissa enquired about how long Naveen Patnaik would continue in power, and my reply was Continue Reading
- Naveen Patnaik - The Next Chief Minister of Orissa By Sanjay Rath Horoscope of Sri Naveen Patnaik (Cabinet Minister of India) Date 16th October 1946, Time: 1 AM, Cuttack, India. (AL: Āruḍha Lagna; A7: dārāpada or āruḍha of seventh house; HL: Horā Lagna; VL: Varṇadā Lagna; GL: Ghāṭikā Lagna; UL: Upapada; A10: Rājya… Continue Reading
Bill Clinton - The Stars Show It All William Jefferson "Bill" Clinton (born William Jefferson Blythe III, August 19, 1946) served as the 42nd President of the United States from 1993 to 2001. The chart of President Bill Clinton which has 03.47 AM recorded as the Birth time, has been corrected to 03.44… Continue Reading
Sri A.B.Vajpayee - Please note that this is an old article written and published in 1998. It is republished in the website for astrological studies. Introduction The first part of the article titled the Future of India appeared in the Times of Astrology (June 1998 issue) which was available in the market in… Continue Reading
- Dr Karan Singh - Extract from Sanjay Rath's Book "Narayana Dasa" Dr Karan Singh (ex-Maharaja of Kashmir) Born on 9th March, 1931 at 5:46’ PM GMT; Cannes, France; (7E01’, 43N33’) Born heir apparent (Yuvaraj) to Maharaja Hari Singh and Maharani Tara Devi of Jammu and Kashmir. In 1949 his father Maharaja Hari Singh at… Continue Reading
- P.V.Narasimha Rao - The Vipareeta Rajyoga of Shri P.V.R Narasimha Rao "When you think that he is finished, he is actually the strongest then..That is the real power of the Vipareeta rajyoga in a Kendra" Rath 2000 The horoscope of Shri P V Narasimha Rao, ex-Prime Minister of India (Birth time 12:49’ LMT)… Continue Reading
- L.K.Advani ~ Tapasvi Raja - Tapasvi Raja The horoscope of Shri L K Advani has been slightly controversial due to the fact of his date of birth being declared as 8 November 1929 instead of 8 November 1927. These and a few other charts were considered and it was found that the date of 8… Continue Reading
George Harrison - “This Mysterious Beatle” George Harold Harrison needs no introduction. The date and time of his birth as recorded are 25 February, 1943; 00:05’ BST; (-1Hr GMT); Liverpool, U.K. Later this was ‘corrected’ by an astrologer. He wrote, "For instance, I only learned recently after all these years that the date… Continue Reading
- Emperor Hirohito - Understanding Enmity ~ Case study of Emperor Hirohito Introduction One’s growth is the prime cause for enmity between individuals. As a person grows in life in stature, it is usually at the cost of some one else’s gains. This is why enmity between individuals grows. Enmity is, thus, seen from… Continue Reading
- Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi - The horoscope of Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi has tenth lord Mars exalted in 12th house combined with lords of ascendant (Saturn), 4th & 9th (Venus) and Rāhu. The strength of 10th lord & its conjunction with Ascendant lord (also strong in its own sign) shows independent views while its conjunction… Continue Reading
- Kalaignar: Dr Karunanidhi - Sri Karunanidhi, better known as Dr.Kalaignar was born on Tuesday, the 3rd June 1924, in a small village Thirukuvalai in Thanjavur District of Tamil Nadu (Long:79E09’ Lat: 10N48’) at 12:20’ LMT (12:33’ IST). Rasi Chart has Leo rising with Rahu in it giving a Yoga for Princely Rajyoga. The Sun,… Continue Reading
- BJP Vajpayee swearing-in 1999 - Published in The Times of Astrology, New Delhi. March 2000 As predicted in a previous issue on the Future of India, in spite of the fall of the Government Shri A.B. Vajpayee was, is and will continue to be the P.M. of India during the Narayan Dasa of Pisces (1997… Continue Reading
- BJP Vajpayee swearing-in 1998 - Sri A.B.Vajpayee: The Swearing-in Chart (1998) Authors Epilogue: (PUBLISHED MAY 1998) Readers will see my optimism in the lines below and I had expected that the Vajpayee Government would cross the first two dangers and would stay till 2002. However, my optimism was proved incorrect and the Government fell in… Continue Reading
- Shiv Sena Party - Article examining the formation chart of the Shiv Sena Political Party. The party is very strong in Maharashtra and is headed by Sri Bal Thackeray. The Shiv Sena party headed by its brilliant belligerent leader Sri Bal Thackeray has been playing a key role in Maharashtra politics ever since its… Continue Reading
Janata Dal Party - The Janata Dal was formed on the 11 October 1988 at 1:18' PM IST at Bangalore, India. the Rasi Chart is placed alongside. In India, a common saying for this party is - दल बदल बदल के दलदल कर दिया (dala badala badala ke daladala kara diyā) meaning that the… Continue Reading
- Bharatiya Janata Party - Article written and published in early 1997 The Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) was formed on the 6th of April, 1980, at 11.15’ AM at Delhi (28N39 77E13). The Chart is given below. Intellectual Gemini is in the ascendant With the Arudha Lagna (AL) in the fifth house in Libra (Business)… Continue Reading
- Swami Vivekananda’s Passing - A New Finding by Chandrashekhar Chattopadhyay (Translated from Bengali by Swami Chetanananda) 4th July 1902 was a memorable day. Swami Vivekananda, a great prophet of modern India, passed away at about 9:00 pm while he was in meditation. The flame of his life-lamp, which brightened the spiritual world, suddenly blew… Continue Reading
- Sri Jayendra Saraswati - DOB: 18th July 1935 TOB: 07:00 PM IST POB: Irul Nekki (10 N 42)(79 E 26) The Horoscope Above is the chart of His Holiness the Sankaracharya of Kanchi Kamakoti peetham. Capricorn rises with a powerful Saturn & Moon conjunction in the second house. This combination in the 4th, 10th… Continue Reading
Khanna (Lilavati) - Note: The authenticity of this story is doubted but there is no doubt that Khanna or Lilavati was a great astrologer. We intend to present her great teachings in the recent future by translating some of her works. A television serial in the bengali language highlights her achievements. Brief History… Continue Reading
Jyoti Basu - Jyoti Basu (b. July 8, 1914 at Calcutta, India – 17 January 2010) is an Indian politician belonging to the Communist Party of India (Marxist) from West Bengal, India. He served as the Chief Minister of West Bengal from 1977 to 2000, making him India's longest-serving Chief Minister as of… Continue Reading
- Y.S.Rajasekhara Reddy - Don't count the years you want to live. Ask yourself how much you have done for society at large with whatever opportunities the Almighty has provided you - Dr. Y.S.Rajasekhara Reddy Dr. Yeduguri Sandinti Rajasekhara Reddy, popularly known as YSR, was an astute politician and a charismatic mass leader. He… Continue Reading
- William H. Rehnquist - 1924-2005: Chief Justice of United States of America Biography Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist is born in Scorpio lagna with Jupiter the planet ruling the judiciary almost conjunct the lagna degree. Continue Reading
- Nebojsa Medojevic - On Thursday the Speaker of the Montenegrin parliament scheduled the first presidential election (since its independence from Serbia) in the republic for April 6. Podgorica is the capital of Montenegro. They likely choices are (1) Filip Vujanovic, the incumbent President and (2) Nebojsa Medojevic, the dynamic young reformist heading a… Continue Reading